Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 CPG 101: L AYING THE F OUNDATION FOR A NATIONAL P LANNING S TRUCTURE Emergency Management Higher Education Conference 4 June 2009
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 Two perspectives drive the structure: – From the Federal level, it is top-down: How do we add the right resources at the right time to the community’s effort? Focus is on the gravest dangers facing the Nation (National Planning Scenarios). – From the Community (State and local) level, it is bottom-up: How do we work with response organizations? How do we get additional resources? How do we work with the general public? All hazard and at various magnitudes. The two intersect at the Regional level—either through established FEMA Regions or Regional compacts/consortiums. 2 National Planning Structure
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide The National Planning Structure
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide Planning focus Overlapping Authority Model Layered response Decentralization No dominance by any level Inclusive Authority Model Hierarchical response Assumes sharing of power Federal government leads coordination
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 Planning is all about building relationships and establishing linkages between involved groups. The process must involve more than producing the “tangible” product: – Information sharing – Exercising, rehearsing, running simulations – Formalizing support (MOA and MOU) – Obtaining, maintaining, positioning material resources – Educating citizens and involving them in the process – Updating as materials, strategies, dangers, hazards, etc. change HOWEVER – the tangible product is EQUALLY important! 5 Process-focus vs. Plan-focus
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 Purpose is to avoid having clusters of planners who have little contact with each other From an organizational view, planning has to involve all groups with a managing role in disaster response, including non-local ones National, regional, and community level disaster planning efforts need to be consistent and reinforcing of each other Integration is nothing more than relationship building: – One’s own group needs to know what is expected of it and what to do – Each group must also know how others intend to respond – Counterpart roles must be clear to facilitate coordination 6 Vertical and horizontal integration June 17, 2008
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide Interaction between Mission Areas & Phases © Paul Hewett HS Mission Areas = Operational EM Phases = Management Processes
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide One view of bringing the pieces together Mitigation ProtectionPrevention
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide All hazards approach Natural EventHazard “Act of God”Non-Adaptive Mitigate Flood, Hurricane, Epidemic, etc. Technological EventHazard Engineering Controls Non-Adaptive Mitigate Dam failure, HAZMAT release, Radiological release, etc. Human-Caused Event Threat Deliberate ActAdaptive Prevent & Protect Terrorism, Sabotage, School violence
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide One planning concept Integrated Planning SystemCPG 101NIMS PreparednessNIMS Incident Command Form the planning team Understand the situation Conduct research Analyze the information Understand the situationGather information Determine goals and objectives Establish incident objectives and strategy Estimate course and harm Determine appropriate strategic goals Plan development (analyze courses of action) Develop and analyze courses of action, identify resources Develop the planAssess options and resource requirements Plan preparation, review, approval Write the plan Approve, and disseminate the plan Prepare and disseminate the planPlan and implement actions Plan refinement and execution Exercise the plan and evaluate its effectiveness Review, revise, and maintain the plan Evaluate and revise the planEvaluate Review
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide The CPG 101 planning process The process is not new – it just feels new – Captures what planners were already doing that was not described anywhere – The same steps are used in Federal planning
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide Questions
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 CPG 101: L AYING THE F OUNDATION FOR A NATIONAL P LANNING S TRUCTURE Emergency Management Higher Education Conference 4 June 2009