Imagine falling in a place you did not know
Landing with no doors to go out Except for one that you cant even fit through
Cry so much it turns into a ocean
The only way to get out is following a strange white rabbit.
Wonderland A world that has never been explored before.
Crazy people Crazy things
WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!! She scares little creatures with a story about a cat. She walks into a rabbits house and out of no where she starts to grow. Alice almost gets her head cut off by the queen because the queen thought Alice ate her tarts.
Alice Mad Hatter White Rabbit
The Queen of Hearts March Hare
MOCK TURTLE King of Hearts
THEME The theme is growing as a person. At first she was scared, crying, and not sure of herself. Then she went through hard experiences with people being mean to her and ignoring her. Now she is strong and doesn’t care what people are saying about her.