Montana Bryce L., Chance G., Michael K.
Capital city, major cities, region in the US Capital: Helena Major cities: Billings, Havre, Bozeman Region in the US: the west
Population and Nickname Population: 974,989 people Population: 974,989 people Nickname: The Treasure State Nickname: The Treasure State
Economy, Industries, Jobs The products are coal, oil, gas, copper, silver and gold. The products are coal, oil, gas, copper, silver and gold. The big industries are farming and mining. The big industries are farming and mining.
State Bird, State Flag, State Tree State Flag State Tree Ponderosa Pine State Bird Western Meadow Lark
Geography Mississippi River Rocky Mountains Great Plains
History Montana became a state in Montana became a state in In 1910 Glacier National Park was established. In 1910 Glacier National Park was established Montana’s first trading post is established Montana’s first trading post is established.
Popular Attractions and Sports Teams Glacier National Park Beaverhead Park Bozeman Ice Dogs (AWHL) Montana Grizzlies- all sports example: basketball, hockey, football
Famous people from the state James Welch, author Evil Knievel, daredevil Sitting Bull, Sioux Leader
Resources Used World Book Encyclopedia