I am going tell you about Montana state nickname. Its called Big Sky Country or Treasure State.
The state motto is Oro y Plata-Gold and Silver
Origin of state name, The name Montana is the from Spanish word from mountainous.
The Name For Residents, Montanans
Bordering states or countries? Idaho, North Dakota,South Dakota, Wyoming, Canada.
Capital City and other large cities Helena, Billings
Population and rank of Montana 902, ,046 square miles
Describe the flag of Montana The flag of Montana was adopted in 1905 Describe the flag of Montana The flag of Montana was adopted in 1905
The state flower the Bitterroot
The state tree is the Ponderosa Pine
The state bird is, the Western Meadowlark
The Agriculture and industry Farming cattle ranching, mining oil, lumber, tourism
Geographal Features Yellowstone River, Missouri River, Clark Fork River, Flathead Lake, Fort Peck Lake.
The State Governor Steve Bullock
Famous People in Montana W.A., Tony Boyle, Dana Carvey, Jerry Kramer.