Transformation Agenda Discussion Jennifer James Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development Mix of audience and their exposure to tools. Early stages of discussion. Looking for your thoughts on how this work fits into your experience on what MA needs to help low skills learners, job seekers, employers etc. Transformation Agenda Discussion
Concept Scalable, computer-based learning system to supplement basic skills for low-skilled individuals aligned with job competencies Improve job matching Shared tools across Adult Education, Career Centers, Community Colleges Jobs For the Future Report: ACT System (5 Integrated Tools)
Components Job Analysis & Profiler – Analyzes a job (at an employer) and identifies target scores for an occupation Assessment. WorkKeys – This is a test. Learning Tool (CareerReady101) – Self-paced, adaptive, on-line remediation system for unlimited # of users Credential. National Career Readiness Certificate Plus –documents skill levels Research and Diagnostics 2. Assessment. WorkKeys – This is a test. It is computer-based and identifies an individual’s score levels: Applied Math Reading for Information Reading to Locate Information NCRC – “Talent”: A personality index using 165 assessment items in a survey asking for a range of “agree” or “disagree” statements analyzed by an algorithm that ranks a person’s attributes against a normative sample. Work Discipline – productivity, dependability Teamwork – tolerance, communication, attitude Customer Service Orientation – interpersonal skills, perseverance Managerial Potential – persuasion, enthusiasm, problem solving Learning Tool (CareerReady101) – Self-paced, adaptive, on-line remediation system for unlimited # of users Lessons for Reading, Applied Math and Locating Information Career Exploration Tool Resume & Portfolio Tool Financial Literacy Lesson On-line or Instructor-lead (Best used as “blended learning” model) Assigned Lessons (from “instructor”) Lessons customized to career field to increase literacy and numeracy Diagnostic Data – for student and teacher
1. Job Analysis Job Analysis & Profiler – Analyzes a job (at an employer) and identifies target scores for an occupation Focus group process to gather job task and WorkKeys skill information from job incumbents Provides a report with a customized task list and skill levels related to specific work examples Occupational profile database – 19,000+ occupational titles Week long training for Job Profiler
2. Assessment WorkKeys – This is a test. It is computer-based and identifies an individual’s score levels in: Applied Math Reading for Information Reading to Locate Information Talent: A personality index using 165 assessment items in a survey asking for a range of “agree” or “disagree” statements analyzed by an algorithm that ranks a person’s attributes against a normative sample. Work Discipline – productivity, dependability Teamwork – tolerance, communication, attitude Customer Service Orientation – interpersonal skills, perseverance Managerial Potential – persuasion, enthusiasm, problem solving Other Foundational Skills Assessments Applied Technology Business Writing Listening for Understanding Teamwork Workplace Observation
Assessment Samples: Level 4 Applied Mathematics Over the last 5 days, you made the following numbers of sales calls: 8, 7, 9, 5, and 7. On the average, how many calls did you make each day? 5.8 7.0 7.2 9.0 36.0 Why this is a Level 4 item: There is more than one step of logic and calculation. Examinees must divide using positive numbers. Examinees must figure out averages.
Assessment Samples: Level 4 Locating Information You must sort clothes in a dry cleaning establishment according to the customer's instructions. According to the form shown, how should this customer's shirt be treated? Dryclean it, add light starch, and fold it. Dryclean it, add light starch, and place it on a hanger. Launder it with no starch and place it on a hanger. Launder it with light starch and place it on a hanger. Launder it with medium starch and fold it.
3. Learning Tool CareerReady101 – Self-paced, adaptive, on-line remediation system for unlimited # of users Pre-tests for Reading, Applied Math and Locating Information Lessons for Reading, Applied Math and Locating Information Career Exploration Tool Resume & Portfolio Tool Financial Literacy Lesson On-line or Instructor-lead (Best used as “blended learning” model) Assigned Lessons (from “instructor” or learning coach) Lessons customized to career field to increase literacy and numeracy Diagnostic Data – for student and teacher
4. Credential National Career Readiness Certificate Plus – credential to document skill levels Proctored test, timed Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum Levels Star rating on “Talent” Employer recognition is critical – build “brand” overtime
5. Research and Analytics Career Ready 101 – data tracking system, diagnostics, at individual or “administrator” levels to analyze learning progress National Career Readiness Certificate – credentialing patterns (NCRC data system) Job Profiles – national and local
Examples Integrated Career Pathways, Basic Skills (and ESOL): Align with Industry Skills – Develop industry “on ramps” or incumbent worker skills to meet baseline criteria for industry training (Sector Grants) Integrate with ESOL (Rosetta Stone) Accelerate Learning Reinforce Classroom Work (Blended Learning) Outside Online Homework Career Goals Job seekers assess basic skills for job openings or career goals – Career Ready 101 to reach goals Training Program or Community College Pre-Enrollment At a OSCC, ABE Organization or Community College New Bedford Career Center triages job seekers with tool to prepare for training Job Placement Match job seeker competencies with required occupational competencies Encourage job seekers to see full range of potential Employer Matching Address employer demand for basic skills (NH) One Stop Career Center can articulate a candidates skill set by occupational profile for an employer
Current Practice and Use Nationally: About 40 States / major regions within these states, use the NCRC About 3,000,000 NCRCs have been issued nationally In New England: CT, VT and NH college systems use WorkKeys/NCRC. In VT ABE is also involved RI is gearing up In Massachusetts: Berkshire, Holyoke, Middlesex Community College Greater New Bedford & North Shore Career Center-Lynn & Salem Community Organizations IMPACT Employment Services for Homeless (Pine Street) Notre Dame Adult Education Center Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts South Middlesex Opportunity Council Berkshire County Sheriff's Office
National Career Readiness Certificate Plus Massachusetts Model 80 Learning Labs Assess and Remediate Improve individual’s skill Career Ready 101 Career Center NCRC+ Testing Sites Test Literacy, Numeracy, Work Behavior Credential National Career Readiness Certificate Plus Job Analysis 16 Staff Analyze competencies of real job openings (MA and nationwide) Job Match LEARNING LABS OSCC – workshops using Career Ready 101 to improve job placement matches, get someone into post-secondary with less remedial needs, reduce testing to refer to adult education etc. Community College – reduce time in remediation paid by financial aid, student tutoring and retention, job placement. Adult Ed – supplement learning and accelerate progress, hit accuplacer targets to transition to post-secondary, etc.
GROUND WORK Research on tools and potential model for MA - DONE Commitment of resources from state partners ($600K) for technology tools and licensing - DONE IN PROGRESS: Memorandum of Understanding with funding partners to buy tools. Application for new resources (TBF) to support implementation and cross-system capacity - DONE Early stages of field engagement across systems and state (outreach to field organizations more broadly). MORE TO DO! Operational Rollout - Formation of a new Career Readiness Committee of MWIB Guide implementation across Career Centers, Community Colleges, ABE system (builds customer flows and system connections) Employer Outreach “Stand up” new tools at partner organization, build “learning labs”
This workforce solution is 100% funded by a grant awarded by the U. S This workforce solution is 100% funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, TAACCCT grant agreement # TC-22505-11-60-A-25.The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. Massachusetts Community Colleges are equal opportunity employers. Adaptive equipment available upon request for persons with disabilities. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License CCBY3.0