Sector Working Group General Directorate of Veterinary services and Animal Health March /2011
6 months Action Plan General Strategic goal: Improve the productivity of agriculture, both vegetation and livestock and its contribution to food security Activity: Animal identification System and Traceability Sub Activities 1- concept paper ==== done 2- System regulation === in progress 3- Staff training ===== 3 training course done. Need more 4- Software build up ==== not yet 5- Workshop for stakeholders ==== not yet 6- purchasing System requirements ===== not yet Expected time : 4 months Expected budget: 2.5 million dollars
General Strategic goal: Had appropriate infrastructure and developed services Activity: Chlamydiosis Control projects 1- proposal ==== done 2- financial === partially available (ICRC, OXFAM) 3- public awareness ===== Need more 4- vaccine ==== Need more 5- areas to be covered ===== some communities in Hebron and Bethlehem, All Jordan Valley Expected time : April - June Expected budget : 150,000 dollars for this phase
General Strategic goal: Had appropriate infrastructure and developed services Activity: Central Veterinary Laboratory construction Sub Activities 1- concept paper ==== done 2- Land === available (owned by MoA in Jericho) 3- Staff training ===== Need more 4- equipments ==== Need more Expected time : 17 months ( complete) Project proposal: 1 month Land preparing : 1 month Essential applications and certificates : 3 months Construction : 12 months Expected budget : 2 million dollars
General Strategic goal: Palestinian agricultural production capability to compete in internal and external markets have been improved Activity: Food safety and public health Sub Activities 1- SPS committee ==== done 2- Uruapan Committee evaluation ==== done 3- System regulation === in progress 4- Staff training ===== highly Needed 5-Workshop for stakeholders ==== Needed Expected time : 6 months Expected budget: N.E
General Strategic goal: Readiness of the agricultural sector to help achieve the requirements of statehood has been completed Activity: OIE Gap analysis Sub Activities 1- PVS committee ==== done 2- PVS final report === done 3- OIE Gap analysis request ===== done 4- training course ==== Needed Expected time : 8 months Expected budget: N. E
Emergency Situation Avian Influenza Out Breaks in Jenin and Israeli Settlement near Bethlehem
Avian Influenza out breaks Israeli settlement near Bethlahem 6/3 Sealet Ah harthyeh/ Jenin 2/3
Case history On 27 th of February, a Farmer complained about high mortality in his 65 days old turkey farm (2000 birds). Samples were taken for laboratory diagnosis, the results were positive ro avian influenza type A. On 1 st of march samples sent to Beit dagon for confirmation, on 2 nd of March it is positive to H5N1. On 2 nd of March almost all birds on the farm died, the farm culled according to SOP’s. all farms in the surveillance zone were negative to AI.
MoA/ Veterinary Services & stakeholders the farmer National Avian Influenza Committee the public Avian Influenza project/ UNDP/ World Bank. Local Organizations and Ministries in Conern Media International organizations, OIE, FAO, EU, UNDP
Surveillance results General Surveillance Quarantine Movement control of poultry and poultry products. Disinfectant Communication with public
Heavy Surveillance Modified stamping out Quarantine Disinfectant Highly control in Poultry and poultry product Communication with public
Israeli settlement case On 6-7 th March AI case was reported in Rotch Utsyoun settlement near Bethlehem accordingly: Surveillance Modified stamping out 3km diameter Quarantine 10 km diameter Disinfectant Highly control in Poultry and poultry product Communication with public
Case Analysis Obstacles No available required vehicle for implementing the measures Low veterinary staff Lack of Tami flu Lack of suitable laboratory building Opportunities Well trained hard worker veterinary staff Well organized control and preventive procedures well lab. Equipments and reagents through AI projects Cooperation with all stakeholders with well responces