Dr. Jan Erik Grindheim Assoc. Prof. II Department of Comparative Politics University of Bergen Dr. Jan Erik Grindheim Assoc. Prof. II Department of Comparative Politics University of Bergen EU ENLARGEMENT EUROPAN COUNCIL SUMMIT 8-9 DECEMBER 2011
1.Introduction 2.Enlargement Rationality 3.The Accession of Croatia 4.Flexible Integration? 5.Conclusion EU Enlargement
1. Introduction
"Today's signature of the Accession Treaty is an outstanding moment for the European Union and for Croatia" […] "Croatia is the best proof of how strong and successful the transformative power of the enlargement policy can be". Jose Manuel Barroso, 9 December 2011
2. Enlargement Rationality
1957: France, Germany, Italy & Be-Ne-Lux 2004: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Cyprus & Malta 1973: UK, Ireland & Denmark 1981: Greece 1986: Portugal & Spain 1995: Austria, Finland & Sweden ENLARGEMENT 2004: 1/4 growth of territory 1/3 growth of population 1/20 growth of GDP 2009: Candidate Countries: Turkey, Croatia & Macedonia 2007: Bulgaria & Romania 1990: East joins West in Germany EU Enlargement
GDP per capita in Europe 2003 Source: The Economist 18 September EU Enlargement
The Cold Figures of Enlargement In the member states that joined in 2004: over 92 % of population lived in regions with a GDP per capita under 75 % of the EU 25 average 61 % of the population lived in regions below 50 %, whereas no regions in the former EU 15 falls below this level 14 % of the population within EU 15 lived below 75 % of the EU average Source: IP/05/107 Brussels 28 January EU Enlargement
3. The Accession of Croatia
The Treaty of Accession of Croatia to the European Union was signed 9 December 2011 at the European Council in Brussels. “The signature marks the successful end to six-years of negotiations and represents one of the final milestones in the country's road to EU Membership.”
Croatia … applied for EU membership in 2003 candidate country in 2004 accession negotiations started October 2005 successful negotiations 30 June 2011 foreseen to hold referendum in early 2012 subject to the ratification, of the Accession Treaty by all 27 Member States will join EU 1 July 2013
4. Flexible Integration?
CANDIDATE COUNTRIES Croatia [Accession Treaty signed] Iceland The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Montenegro Turkey POTENTIAL CANDIDATES Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia and Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244
Flexible Integration? European Economic Area Treaty, bilateral between organisations Membership based on multilateral treaties Free Trade Agreements, bilateral Special Arrangement EU Enlargement
5. Conclusion
The EU is a Hybrid - A New Political Order in Europe Social and Economic Rights Civil and Political Rights Many No Many State-and Nation- Building 1648 Constitution-Making and Democratisation 1789 Representation and Welfare 1848 Globalisation and European Integration 1989 EU Enlargement