Woodrow Wilson 9, sec. 5
Woodrow Wilson
Who was he? Son, Grandson, and Nephew of Ministers Strict moral upbringing Former President of Princeton U. Governor of New Jersey
Beliefs All trusts should be busted Believed in Greater Freedom for citizens Not a believer in Civil Rights
New Freedom Clayton Anti-Trust Act - strengthened Sherman Anti-Trust Act Cut Tariffs 16th Amendment - allowed for an income tax Federal Income Tax - graduated Federal Reserve System - allowed for more credit.
Wilson & Women’s Suffrage By Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Idaho allowed the vote Catt replaced Anthony as leader of NAWSA Washington, California, Kansas, Oregon and Arizona pass suffrage
Wilson & Women’s Suffrage Women’s contributions to WWI effort made 19th Amendment possible
Wilson & Civil Rights Opposed Anti-Lynching laws Increased segregation WWI ended Progressivism
Notequiz 3 1. What profession did many of President Wilson’s family practice? 2. What was Wilson’s belief about trusts? 3. What tax did Wilson begin as President? 4. What does graduated tax mean? 5. What did the 19th amendment do? 6. Who replaced Susan Anthony as a leader for women’s suffrage? 7. What was suffrage? 8. What did women do that allowed them the right to vote? 9. What does lynch mean? 10. What is segregation?