1. Gilded Age John D. Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie Jane Adams Transcontinental RR Carnegie and Bessemer Process Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 Plessy v Ferguson Social Darwinism Individualism Entrepreneur Laissez-faire
2. Industrial Revolution
3. Immigration & Urbanization
4. SPAM War 1898/Imperialism Theodore Roosevelt William Taft Panama Canal 1913 Open Door Policy 1899 Boxer Rebellion 1900 Roosevelt Corollary 1904 Yellow Journalism Annexation of Hawaii Seward’s Folly
5. Progressive Era 1890s-1923 Teddy Roosevelt Bull Moose William Taft Woodrow Wilson Jane Adams Amendments 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 Recall Referendum Prohibition Temperance Movement American Civil Liberties Union
6. World War I Woodrow Wilson Spark of WWI 1914 US Declares war 1917 Sinking of Lusitania 1915 Espionage Act 1917 Sedition Act 1918 Treaty of Versailles 1919 Fourteen Points
7. Roaring 20s Woodrow Wilson Calvin Coolidge Teapot Dome Scandal 1922 Assembly line Harlem Renaissance Sacco-Vanzetti Prohibition Red Scare Palmer Raids Scopes Trial 1925
8. Great Depression Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt Days Second New Deal Bonus Army Dust Bowl Neutrality Acts 1935, 36, 37, 39
9. World War II Franklin D. Roosevelt Marshall Plan