African cities are gowing fast: urbanization rates exceed 4 - 5% per annum Slums absorb about ¾ of the population growth The number of poor is expected to reach 400 million in 2015 – equivalent to 46% of Africa’s population
Increasing inequalities in income distribution and slow economic growth increased the proportion of people living with less than $2 per day: from 90 million in 1960s to 233 million in the late 1990s
In 2030 the sub-saharan cities will host over 50% of the population and absorb 87% of the poulation growth.
In 2001, 166 million people – 72% of Africa’s urban population – lived in slums
With no effective pro-poor policies, urban slum populations will double every 15 years
Millennium Development Goals Target 11 Guidelines Slum Upgrading Policies Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF) Cities Without Slums (CWS) Regional Urban Sector Profile Study (RUSPS)
In Africa 50% of the urban population do not have adequate water supply 60% lack adequate sanitation Poor households pay 10 to 100 times as much as the rich for water
Water for African Cities Programme Lake Victoria Initiative Collaboration with African Development Bank and EU water facility
Africa is home to an esimated 29.4 million people infected with HIV/AIDS. GNP can shrink by up to 40% within 20 years because of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Life expectancy is expected to fall by 30 years in some countries. Slum dwellers are more exposed to the HIV risk.
UN-HABITAT and Shelter for Orphans Urban Management Programme (UMP) – HIV/AIDS through participatory planning
Africa hosts 30% of the world’s refugees
Disaster Management Programme Safer Cities Programme On going projects implemented in over 10 countries UN-HABITAT member of ECHA of the United Nations
Visibility and sensitization of the urbanization challenges in Africa Finalize the Regional Urban Sector Profile Study Programme and provide countries with baselines for urban interventions Support EC to publish the urban sector guidelines Agree on the modalities to support governance of the urban sector in Africa Take the outcome of this workshop to AMCHUD and to next GC of CSD 13 in NY