Human Error The James Reason Model AST 425 AST 425 Dr. Barnhart
Human Error Human Error study is still in its infancy- much we still don’t understand Human error in technology breakdown has increased fourfold in 30 years- consequences are increasingly dire
Definitions l Accident or Event Trajectory l Defenses, Barriers, and Safeguards- vary from few to many- from heavily defended to lightly l Unsafe acts- errors and violations l Latent failure- On the “Blunt End” l Active Failure- On the “Sharp”end l Local Trigger- Trips the Event l Event- Complete Penetration of a trajectory- have varying natures from all active (possibly Egypt Air 990 to all latent Columbia- 1 st shuttle disaster)
Error The term “human error” as used herein is composed of two components: -Error Factors- unintended - Violations- intentional
Errors True errors occur within the mind of an individual and derive mainly from informational problems (forgetting, inattention, incomplete knowledge).
Violations Violations- occur within a social context and are largely motivational problems such as poor morale, failure to reward compliance and/or sanction Non-compliance
Individual or Collective errors? The issue of whether accidents are individually caused or collectively caused revolves around three dimensions: Moral Scientific Practical
Moral Issue- much to be gained Easier to pin legal responsibility on individuals- more direct connection Issue compounded by professionals willing to accept responsibility- (captain etc.) Most people highly value personal autonomy- “they should have known better” We assume big failures result from big mistakes rather than several small ones Emotional satisfaction in blaming someone
The Scientific Dimension- do we stop with people directly involved or go on back? Why stop at organizational roots? Why not go back to the beginning of creation? Answer should be practical- go back so far as to be able to change organizational behavior Peculiar nature of accidents- initially appear to be the convergence of many failures but we would see the same in any organization frozen in time- why then are failures rare?
What then about the practical? Moral issue- favors individual approach Scientific issue- undecided Answer here depends on two factors: can latent factors be identified and stopped prior to an accident? The degree to which improvements can better equip the organization to deal with local failures
Categories of errors and violations Errors and violations can be categorized into three areas: –Skill based –Rule based –Knowledge based
Errors Basically there are three types of skill based errors: –Attentional slips- failure to monitor progress of routine actions at some critical point –Memory lapses- forgetfulness (most common) –Perceptual error- misrecognition of some object; we see what we expect to see –Most slips and lapses have minimal consequences; responding “fine” to “hello” etc. but on the flight deck they can be dire!
Rule Based Mistakes Two types: –Misapplication of good rules- braking to avoid a deer on an icy road; we humans tend to apply solutions to familiar problems on the basis of largely automatic pattern matching –Application of bad rules- learning shortcuts and cutting corners- usually circumstances are forgiving and you “get by with it”
Knowledge based mistakes Due to Limited capacity of working memory Incomplete mental models of the problem Thinking on one’s feet- confirmation bias- bending the facts to fit a hasty conclusion, over-confidence, similarity bias, and frequency bias
Skill-based violations Corner cutting promoted by a largely indifferent environment
Rule-based violations More deliberate than skill based violations
Knowledge based violations Novel circumstance- no specified procedure Trainers and procedure writers can only address the foreseeable Usually involve the unexpected occurrence of a rare but trained for situation or an unlikely combination of individually familiar circumstances
To Finish Defining Error Cicero stated- “To err is human” Accidents result from a failure of the risk management system to absorb the consequences of these errors (unsafe acts) Human error is stubborn; sophisticated discrete solutions to human error will likely lead to more sophisticated sources of error- we must be prepared to manage it
The End Questions?