Biomes Study Guide Answers Change your answers as needed!!!
Number 1 Tropical zone Temperate zone Polar zone
Number 2 A biome is a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and certain type of plant and animal communities.
Number 3 The tropical zone receives the most solar radiation.
Number 4 The 3 biomes of the tropical zone are: Tropical rainforest Tropical savanna Tropical desert
Number 5 The tropical rainforest contains the most plant and animal species.
Number 6 The tropical savanna has a dry season followed by short periods of rain.
Number 7 The soil of a tropical desert is poor in organic matter because of the dryness in a desert.
Number 8 Nutrients are quickly absorbed by the many plants or they are washed away from the heavy rains.
Number 9 Fire allows seeds to open their outer skin for the seeds to grow. Heat from the fire allows the plants to drop seeds into newly enriched soil.
Number 10 Temperate forest Temperate grassland Temperate desert Chaparral
Number 11 All biomes in the temperate zone have four distinct seasons.
Number 12 The soil in a deciduous forest is fertile because of the high content of organic matter from decaying leaves that drop every winter.
Number 13 The soil of the temperate grasslands is the most fertile of all biomes. Many of the grasslands have been plowed for cropland.
Number 14 The main type of plants in the chaparral biome are evergreen shrubs with waxy leaves.
Number 15 The large change between day and night temperatures are caused by low humidity and cloudless skies.
Number 16 The soils of the tundra thaws about a meter deep in the summer. The underneath layer of the thawed soil is called the permafrost. Many birds migrate to feed on the insects during the summer months.
Number 17 The main type of tree in the taiga biome is conifers. These trees have flexible branches.
Number 18 A city is considered a microclimate because the dark pavement and buildings absorb solar radiation and cause higher temperatures than the surrounding areas.