CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN STATISTICIANS Paris, June 2006 Report for justice and crime
The scenary Attention of countries and international organizations has been increasingly focused on crime statistics Comparability of statistical information on justice, freedom and security among countries is difficult because of different judicial systems Harmonization process on crime statistics is still lagging behind
Strategies of long and short period The harmonization of crime statistics requires strategies of both long and short period: 1. The alignment of administrative sources can only be a long-term objective 2. The harmonization of population surveys can be achieved in a shorter time. International organizations and national statistical systems are currently trying to improve the comparability of crime statistics by focusing on victimization survey as first step.
Victimization surveys were carried out by international organizations (UNICRI, UNODC, HEUNI), based on very small samples with high non response rates The main surveys have been: 1. The International Crime Victimization Survey -ICVS, 2. Survey about criminality against firms –CCBS 3. Survey about violence against women – IVAWS Victimization surveys were carried out only by few countries using bigger samples, with better quality (USA, Australia, Canada, UK, The Netherlands, Italy) The victimization surveys: the past
The victimization surveys : the new role of international organizations countries in the region are progressively managing victimization surveys within the framework of official statistics and increasing their own direct experience at national level International organizations should strengthen national capacity to carry out victimization survey stressing their coordination role and providing support, guidelines and common instruments.
National capacity and international guidelines on victimization surveys UNECE, UNODC and Eurostat are working in the outlined important directions It is crucial to strengthen the coordination between the work of EUROSTAT towards the development of a common survey module and the work which UNECE-UNODC task force is carrying out.
The role of UNECE Statistical Division The role of UNECE Statistical Division is crucial An important work has been undertaken. In the following years, further efforts are needed in order to obtain highly improved crime statistics, which are strategic in any democratic country