Pendulu m Lab What variable(s) affects the swing rate of a pendulum?
Journal #1 Pendulum Lab Create a list of variables that may affect the swing rate of a pendulum. List Etc.
Think Pair Share Create a list of possible variables (journal) Share your list with your elbow partner (person next to you) try to narrow your list and/or combine them to create a “better” list of variables. Share your list with the class (class list on the board)
Choosing a Variable and a Group Pick one of the MVV (most valuable variables) to test. Find 2 or 3 other people who are interested in testing the same variable as you (this will be your group) Conduct an investigation and collect data to determine if the variable you are testing really changes the swing rate of your pendulum.
Graphing and Presenting Data/Results You will need to complete a graph (of your choice) to represent the data you collected. As a group you will present your findings to the class.