TCOE BTSA INDUCTION CONSORTIUM Site Administrators’ Training
BTSA Induction Website
Outcomes Site Administrators will Understand the BTSA Induction program, purposes, & standards Understand who is involved in the BTSA Induction program Understand the role of the SP in assisting and supporting the PT Understand the Site Administrator role in supporting the program Understanding the Learning to Teach Continuum and developmental levels of new teachers 2
Professional Teacher Induction in CA 1992 SB 1422 Authorized BTSA program Created statewide panel to review teacher credentialing Panel report laid groundwork for new architecture of licensing BTSA growth through Use of formative assessment systems Development & application of teaching standards Use of program accountability BTSA vision Structured, flexible support for all 1 st and 2 nd year teachers Coherent system for assessing PTs Teacher support that emerges from formative assessment 3
Professional Teacher Induction in CA BTSA goals Improve PT performance Improve teaching of students from diverse backgrounds Increase new teacher satisfaction Retain capable teachers AB 1266 BTSA established as Statewide Induction System CSTP adopted BTSA Program Standards of Quality & Effectiveness approved 3
Professional Teacher Induction in CA SB Legislative response to SB 1422 Review Panels’ Final Recommendation Multiple routes to credentials (Learning to Teach System) New two-level credential program New Teacher Induction through formative assessment & support Based on CSTP, State Adopted Academic Content, and Performance Standards for Students 3
Purposes of BTSA Induction Provide effective transition into teaching career Improve educational performance of students Enable PTs to be effective in teaching diverse students Ensure professional success & retention of new teacher Ensure SP provides support & assistance to each PT Establish effective, coherent system of performance assessments based on CSTP Examine alternative ways public & education may be assured new teachers attained acceptable levels of competence 4
Purposes of BTSA Induction Ensure an IIP for each PT is based on on-going assessment of development Provide comprehensive support to PTs with frequent reflection based on CSTP Recommend only PTs who have met & completed all requirements of program for Professional Teaching Credential Enhance skills, abilities, and talents of SPs Provide purposeful, logically sequenced structure of extended preparation & professional development 4
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What is an Induction Program? Pathway from a Preliminary Teaching Credential to a Professional Teaching Credential Two-year program of professional education composed of individual support & formative assessment aligned with the CSTP State-adopted academic content & performance standards for students 6
Requirements for Completing BTSA Induction Notification of Eligibility and Responsibility to Enter a Professional Teacher Induction Program Copy of Preliminary Credential Participating Teacher Agreement Program Meetings Completions of the Formative Assessment-FACT Professional Development Hours Exit Interview (Year 2) End of Year Survey Program Evaluations 7
Who will be in a 2042 Induction Program? Multiple & Single Subject Teachers from CA who have completed Preliminary Credential Teachers holding out-of-state credential with fewer than 5 years teaching experience Teachers who have credentials from other countries Only general education teachers qualify under SB
Standards of Quality & Effectiveness Common Standards Standard 1: Educational Leadership Standard 2: Unit & Program Evaluation System Standard 3: Resources Standard 4: Faculty Standard 5: Admission Standard 6: Advice & Assistance Standard 7: Field Experiences & Clinical Practice Standard 8: Program Sponsor, District, & University Field Experience Supervisors Standard 9: Assessment of Candidate Competence 9
Standards of Quality & Effectiveness Category A: Programs Exhibit Effective Design Principles Program Standard 1: Program Rationale & Design Program Standard 2: Communication & Collaboration Program Standard 3: Support Providers & Professional Development Providers Program Standard 4: Formative Assessment System Category B: Programs Provide Opportunities for Participants to Demonstrate Effective Teaching Program Standard 5: Pedagogy Program Standard 6: Universal Access: Equity for All Students 9
Program Standard 5: Pedagogy Grow and improve in ability to reflect upon & apply CSTP Utilize adopted academic content standards & performance levels Use & interpret student assessment data from multiple measures Plan & differentiate instruction Create & maintain well-managed classrooms Develop safe, inclusive, & healthy learning environments Become fluid, critical user of technological resources Enable students to use technology 10
Program Standard 6: Universal Access-Equity Protect & support all students Maximize academic achievement for all students Examine & strive to minimize bias Use a variety of resources to collaborate & communicate 10
Program Std. 6: Universal Access-English Learners a) Teaching English Learners Adhere to legal & ethical obligations for teaching EL Implement district policies regarding primary language support services Plan instruction for EL based on proficiency & literacy Implement one or more of the components of ELD 10
Program Std. 6: Universal Access-Special Populations b) Teaching Special Populations Adhere to legal & ethical obligations relative to the full range of special pops. Implement district policies regarding support services Communicate & collaborate with special services personnel Provide accommodations & implement modifications Instruct using adopted standards-aligned instructional materials & resources 11
Formative Assessment The work of a learner collected over time & examined against multiple levels of teaching performance Supports the idea that practice improves over time Encourages teachers to reflect on their practice in relation to the CSTP Encourages teachers to collect & interpret evidence to improve their teaching practice Completed in collaboration with a trained/experienced teacher 12
What are the benefits of participation in Induction? Build habits of mind Demonstrate and apply knowledge acquired Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) Guides teachers in growth as professionals Focuses on meeting the learning needs of all students Promotes reflective practitioners With an SP Identify areas of strength & growth Complete IIP 15
What is FACT? Assessment of Teaching & Learning (A) Gather information Class Organization Resources of school, district, & community Contextual analysis that guides & informs Context for Teaching & learning (B) Bridges teacher preparation with induction experience Reflect on what they know & determine current level of teaching practice Builds foundation for future growth related to teaching standards 15
What is FACT? Inquiry into Teaching & Learning (C) Assess practice against a set of specific criteria Select an area for in-depth inquiry Follows action research model Results guide professional development Summary of Teaching & Learning (D) End-of-year reflection Review results of inquiries Consider data collected Identify best teaching practices Assess impact of formative assessment on teaching practice 15
What are the foundations of FACT? California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) 1. Engaging & supporting all students in learning 2. Creating & maintaining effective environments for student learning 3. Understanding & organizing subject matter for student learning 4. Planning instruction & designing learning experiences for all students 5. Developing as a professional educator 17
What are the foundations of FACT? Standards of Quality & Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs in CA (Induction Program Standards) Adopted by CTC & supported by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Establish expectations for new teachers during Induction Category B of Induction Program Standards identifies what teachers should know & be able to do 17
What are the foundations of FACT? State-adopted Academic Content Standards for Students & CA Frameworks Rigorous standards that describe content students must mater by end of each grade level Describe curriculum & instructional practices Guide development of assessment methods & tools Suggest specific strategies to promote access to challenging curriculum for students with special needs Evidence Observation, student work, lesson plans, reflections Provides focus for reflective conversations related to CSTP and Induction Program Standards 17
What processes are used in FACT? Collaborative Relationships (SP/PT) PTs partnered with veteran educators SPs use cognitive coaching, mentoring, & modeling Plan, Teach, Reflect, Apply (PTRA) Structure to identify teaching strengths & areas for growth Leads to improved teaching practice & increased student achievement Observations SPs observe PTs and conference together to inform & improve PTs encouraged to observe skilled veterans 18
What processes are used in FACT? Examining Student Work Examination & analysis of student work leads PT to greater understanding of need for differentiation & modification Reflective Conversations Reflect, capture current thinking, consider implications Self-Assessment – CTP Identifies & describes levels of teaching practice Provides a roadmap for professional growth Helps focus area(s) for improvement of instructional practice 18
How is FACT structured? Four performance-based, job-embedded modules Designed to focus CSTP & Induction Program Standards, while incorporating state-adopted academic content standards for students Context for Teaching & Learning (A) Assessment of Teaching & Learning (B) Inquiry into Teaching & Learning (C) Summary of Teaching & Learning (D) 19
CSTPs - CTP 1. Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning 2. Creating & Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning 3. Understanding & Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning 4. Planning Instruction & Designing Learning Experiences for All Students 5. Assessing Students for Learning 6. Developing as a Professional Educator 22
Program Standard 2 Communication and Collaboration Establishes professional, educational community Ensures structures that support activities of induction Coordinates additional site/district professional development opportunities Programs offer for site administrators Emphasize importance of new teacher development Identify working conditions that optimize PT success Implement effective steps to overcome challenging aspects of teachers’ work environments Foundations & processes of induction 23
Culture of Support… …refers to the values, beliefs, and norms that operate within the organization. It may involve shared understandings about teaching and learning processes, beliefs about professionalism, or commitment to ideas such as continuous learning on the part of all educators or collaborative means of problem solving. - From Thomas R. Guskey Evaluating Professional Development, 2000, pp
Support Provider Commitments Maintain confidentiality & professional discretion about PT(s) Guide & assist PT(s) in developing & implementing formative assessment. Hold regularly scheduled on-site support sessions (min. once per week); provide on-call assistance & on-going informal discussions; complete at least 2 yearly, non- evaluative classroom observations; facilitate other classroom observation opportunities for PT(s) Provide information, materials, resources, & emotional support requisite for new teacher success Participate in all SP training offered 28
Support Provider Commitments cont’d Become knowledgeable about phases of new teacher growth, domains of CSTP, & formative assessment system utilized Together with PT, participate as appropriate in professional development seminars/activities that lead to the PT’s achievement of her/his growth objectives (these include, at min., the Prog. Orient. mtg. & the PT/SP Spring mtg.) Provide seminar follow-up, e.g., debriefing, support in applying new knowledge & techniques Respond to requests from Program Director or designee Maintain Documentation Logs & (w/ the PT) submit to the Induction program monthly 28
Support Provider’s Agreement Work collaboratively with assigned PT, Site, & BTSA staff Meet weekly for 1-2 hours (minimum 36 hours annually per PT) for planning, coaching, problem-solving assistance, & complete the formative assessment curriculum Provide on-site support to assigned PT through lesson observation, lesson demonstration, & teaching assistance Participate in all SP trainings & network meetings to acquire understandings needed to implement formative assessment & CSTPs Complete & submit monthly documentation log of activities with assigned PT(s) as well as all required BTSA documents Guiding & assisting PT in developing & implementing IIP for professional improvement & revising it periodically 29
Participating Teacher Commitments Roles & Responsibilities of the PT Work together with SP in developing & implementing an IIP for professional improvement for each of the three inquiries Participate in regularly scheduled on-site support sessions with SP (minimum once per week) Participate in required PT training offered by Consortium Complete all feedback & evaluation forms reflecting upon his/her training, support, & program impact Become knowledgeable & use the domains of the CSTP Participate in professional development seminars/activities that lead to the achievement of IIP objectives Complete formative assessment activities Respond to requests for information from Program Director or designee & the Field Experience Reviewers. 30
Participating Teacher Commitments cont’d Selection Criteria Maximum of 1 year teaching experience with a Preliminary or Professional Clear Credential Commitment to building a collaborative relationship with SP Commitment to taking an active role in that partnership Willingness to carry out responsibilities listed above When possible PTs and SPs should be assigned to same school, similar grade levels, and subject areas 30
Uses of Formative & Summative Assessment Formative Assessment Used to promote professional growth Summative Assessment Used to determine tenure, contract continuation, and contract renewal 42
If, as a teacher, I present the same lessons in the same manner that I have used in the past; I seek no feedback from my students; I do not analyze and evaluate their work in a manner that changes my own emphasis, repertoire, and timing; I do not visit or observe other adults as they teach; I do not share the work of my students with colleagues for feedback, suggestions, and critiques; 43
If, as a teacher, I do not visit other schools or attend particular workshops or seminars or read professional literature on aspects of my teaching I do not welcome visitors with experience and expertise to observe and provide feedback to me on my classroom practice; I have no yearly individualized professional development plan focused on classroom changes to improve student learning; and finally, I have no systemic evaluation of my teaching tied to individual, grade/department, and school-wide goals, 43
THEN I have absolutely no way to become better as a teacher. Carl D. Glickman Leadership for Learning,
Phases of First Year Teachers’ Attitude 44
Progress Report 45