Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart A Client Middleware for Token- Based Unified Single Sign On to eduGAIN Sascha Neinert, University of Stuttgart TNC 2008, Bruges,
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart Overview Single Sign On unified Single Sign On eduToken Token-based uSSO Profile Conclusion
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart Single Sign On Single Sign On (SSO): authenticate once for access to multiple (web) resources SSO in a federated AAI: only one pair of credentials is needed (this is no automated password-entering) SSO with eduGAIN: SSO becomes possible in a heterogeneous environment, by building a confederation
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart Single Sign On Advantages: –User friendly, saves time Esp. with more secure authentication methods –Higher security: password transmitted only once –Higher security: one password can be remembered, dozens of them hardly –Phishing protection: the Identity Provider is “known” (URL, certificate) Disadvantages: –Higher risk: one stolen password gives access to many resources
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart unified Single Sign On NEW unified Single Sign On (uSSO): authenticate once for access to network and application resources (this) uSSO is built on: –eduroam: federated, secure access to network resources –eduGAIN: (con-)federated, secure access to web resources (and other applications “Grid”)
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart unified Single Sign On Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
Universität Stuttgart unified Single Sign On Advantages of uSSO: –SSO advantages, but extended to the network –WAYF problem can be solved –Usable for non-web resources and services (Grid) –Usable with eduGAIN several web AAI middlewares (Shibboleth, PAPI – Spain, A-Select – Netherlands, …) Disadvantages of uSSO: –Additional (client) middleware needed –Requires eduroam and some AAI
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart unified Single Sign On Six steps: 1.Authentication at layer 2 with 802.1x, using eduroam 2.Transport a token over eduroam 3.Put into secure token store on user’s device 4.Get network access (get IP address) 5.Authentication at the application layer, using eduGAIN 6.Use the token as prove of authentication
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart eduToken The uSSO token is called eduToken It must express: –Who has been authenticated, –When, –By whom, –Using which method –How long the eduToken is valid
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart eduToken SAML 1 Assertion –Issuer –Issue Instant –Condition: Not On Or After –Authentication Statement Authentication Instant + Method Subject – Name Identifier It is digitally signed + by a trusted entity eduToken = SAML Assertion + Authentication Statement
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart Token-based uSSO Profile User’s Device: Browser: with Java-Plugin uSSO Client: Token Manager, Java application Service Domain: SP: Service Provider, e.g. Shibboleth, unmodified Token Fetcher Applet R-BE: remote eduGAIN Bridging Element, modified
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart Token-based uSSO Profile Connect. Communicate. Collaborate
Universität Stuttgart Token-based uSSO Profile eduGAIN Bridging Element (BE): Map local federation language to eduGAIN language Central - per federation, or distributed - per institution Part of the eduGAIN circle of trust Remote BE (R-BE): Towards the SP: act like an IdP of the local federation Towards eduGAIN: talk to the Home BE
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart Token-based uSSO Profile Token-enabled R-BE: Towards the SP: as usual Towards eduGAIN: not necessary (except attribute-pull) NEW Towards the client: request the eduToken, receive it (validation as usual – eduToken is in native eduGAIN language) –Token Request = an active component able to reach “outside” the browser –Implemented here as a signed Java Applet
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart Token-based uSSO Profile Token-enabled R-BE (continued): Implementation, Deployment: –1 Tomcat –1 Java Servlet –1 Java Keystore –1 Applet
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Universität Stuttgart Conclusion The implementation provides: unified Single Sign On: “open your laptop and be signed on” The concept also enables: Simplified Where Are You From No IdP interaction ( privacy) SSO for non-web applications / for local applications
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