UNIT THREE: THE HISTORY OF MICHIGAN Lesson One Thinking Like a Historian
history the study of the past Example: When you study history you study about people and events of the past.
History the past long ago time old things
History How do we learn about the past? the past long ago time old things Looking at old photographs. Reading a book about history. Looking at old object or artifacts. Talk to people about the past.
The BIG Ideas History is the study of the past. Historians are people who study the past. Historians are like detectives. They look for clues to understand the past. Historians use both primary and secondary sources to study the past. Some of the questions historians ask are “what happened?”, and “when did it happen?”
THINK BACK TO SECOND GRADE What have you learned about the history of your local community?
historian a person who studies the past Example: A historian studies clues from the past.
Historians and Detectives A detective looks for clues. A historian looks for clues. A detective gathers evidence. A historian gathers evidence. A historian reconstructs the past like a detective reconstructs a crime.
The Questions a Historian Asks What happened? When did it happen? Who was involved? How and why did it happen?
Clue #1 is a historical map of the community of Waterford. The map was created in The map was created over 130 years ago.
Clue One Analysis Chart What is it? When was it created? Natural Features Human Features A Mystery: Something you don’t understand on the map
Clue One Analysis Chart What is it? When was it created? Natural Features Human Features A Mystery: Something you don’t understand on the map An old map of the community of Waterford 1872 A river A lake A pond Roads Buildings A cemetery A school A mill Stores
Mysteries Clues like historical maps often present historians mysteries, or things they don’t understand about clue. Examine the map again. This time look for a “Map Mystery”. Livery: a place where you could rent horses and wagons or carriages Foundry: a factory where metal parts are made Sash and blind factory: a factory where window parts are made Cooper shop: a cooper made barrels
“B.S.S” occurs more than once on the map, along both Saginaw Street and Grand River Street. “1 st BAPT. CH.” “WATERFORD EXCHANGE” Old maps often have lots of abbreviations.
When historians have questions about a resource like a historical map, they try to find another resource, or clue, that will help them answer their questions.
Clue Two In 1819 Alpheus Williams and Archibald Philips settled along the Clinton River in southeast Michigan. They each built a house that year. Later that year, the two men built a dam for a mill pond and then built a saw mill. A small village began to grow around the mill pond along the river. It was named Waterford. In 1830 Archibald Phillips built a barn, which was used as the first hotel. In 1834, the first post office was opened. In 1837, the first store opened in the village. Henry Anderson opened the first blacksmith shop in More and more people came to settle in the area. Many started farms around the village. In 1841 a large hotel was built. It was called the Waterford Exchange. In 1844, Dr. George Williams moved to the village and became its first doctor. He also built the gristmill that same year. By 1848, people wanted a school in the village and one was built. In 1869, the first church building, a Baptist church, was built. Before this, church services were held in people’s homes. The village grew and became a town. More stores opened and even a small factory that made sashes and blinds for windows.
Clue Two In 1819 Alpheus Williams and Archibald Philips settled along the Clinton River in southeast Michigan. They each built a house that year. Later that year, the two men built a dam for a mill pond and then built a saw mill. A small village began to grow around the mill pond along the river. It was named Waterford. In 1830 Archibald Phillips built a barn, which was used as the first hotel. In 1834, the first post office was opened. In 1837, the first store opened in the village. Henry Anderson opened the first blacksmith shop in More and more people came to settle in the area. Many started farms around the village. In 1841 a large hotel was built. It was called the Waterford Exchange. In 1844, Dr. George Williams moved to the village and became its first doctor. He also built the gristmill that same year. By 1848, people wanted a school in the village and one was built. In 1869, the first church building, a Baptist church, was built. Before this, church services were held in people’s homes. The village grew and became a town. More stores opened and even a small factory that made sashes and blinds for windows. How is this clue related to the historical map of Waterford? This piece of text has information about the history of the community. Highlight the year What two important events happened during this year? Highlight the following names and phrases: Alpheus Williams, Archibald Phillips, settled along the Clinton River, house, dam for a mill pond, saw mill.
Clue Two In 1819 Alpheus Williams and Archibald Philips settled along the Clinton River in southeast Michigan. They each built a house that year. Later that year, the two men built a dam for a mill pond and then built a saw mill. A small village began to grow around the mill pond along the river. It was named Waterford. In 1830 Archibald Phillips built a barn, which was used as the first hotel. In 1834, the first post office was opened. In 1837, the first store opened in the village. Henry Anderson opened the first blacksmith shop in More and more people came to settle in the area. Many started farms around the village. In 1841 a large hotel was built. It was called the Waterford Exchange. In 1844, Dr. George Williams moved to the village and became its first doctor. He also built the gristmill that same year. By 1848, people wanted a school in the village and one was built. In 1869, the first church building, a Baptist church, was built. Before this, church services were held in people’s homes. The village grew and became a town. More stores opened and even a small factory that made sashes and blinds for windows. Highlight 1830, 1834, 1837, and Highlight the important event that happened each year: barn, first hotel, first post office, first store, and first blacksmith shop. These buildings/businesses were important in a community. A blacksmith made horseshoes for horses plus many different kinds of metal objects like nails and hinges. Can this historical informational text solve any of the mysteries we listed earlier? “B.S.S.” stood for a blacksmith shop, a very important part of an early community.
Clue Two In 1819 Alpheus Williams and Archibald Philips settled along the Clinton River in southeast Michigan. They each built a house that year. Later that year, the two men built a dam for a mill pond and then built a saw mill. A small village began to grow around the mill pond along the river. It was named Waterford. In 1830 Archibald Phillips built a barn, which was used as the first hotel. In 1834, the first post office was opened. In 1837, the first store opened in the village. Henry Anderson opened the first blacksmith shop in More and more people came to settle in the area. Many started farms around the village. In 1841 a large hotel was built. It was called the Waterford Exchange. In 1844, Dr. George Williams moved to the village and became its first doctor. He also built the gristmill that same year. By 1848, people wanted a school in the village and one was built. In 1869, the first church building, a Baptist church, was built. Before this, church services were held in people’s homes. The village grew and became a town. More stores opened and even a small factory that made sashes and blinds for windows. Highlight the years and important events described in this paragraph. A gristmill was where wheat was ground into flour. (Remember in Pancakes, Pancakes that Jack took the wheat to the mill to make flour.) Does this paragraph help solve any of the three mysteries. The Waterford Exchange was a hotel.
Clue Two In 1819 Alpheus Williams and Archibald Philips settled along the Clinton River in southeast Michigan. They each built a house that year. Later that year, the two men built a dam for a mill pond and then built a saw mill. A small village began to grow around the mill pond along the river. It was named Waterford. In 1830 Archibald Phillips built a barn, which was used as the first hotel. In 1834, the first post office was opened. In 1837, the first store opened in the village. Henry Anderson opened the first blacksmith shop in More and more people came to settle in the area. Many started farms around the village. In 1841 a large hotel was built. It was called the Waterford Exchange. In 1844, Dr. George Williams moved to the village and became its first doctor. He also built the gristmill that same year. By 1848, people wanted a school in the village and one was built. In 1869, the first church building, a Baptist church, was built. Before this, church services were held in people’s homes. The village grew and became a town. More stores opened and even a small factory that made sashes and blinds for windows. “1 st BAPT. CH.” Referred to the First Baptist Church in the community
How are Clue 1 and Clue 2 different? Clue 1 is a historical map that was actually created in the past. Clue 2 is a piece of text that was written about the past.
primary sources records made by people who saw or took place in an event Example: Photographs, diaries, newspaper articles and letters are primary sources.
secondary sources records written by someone who was not there at the time of the event Example: Textbooks are secondary sources.
timeline a diagram that shows the order in which events happened Example: You can make a timeline of important events in your life
decade a ten year period of time Example: It happened a decade ago which means it happened ten years ago
How are Clue 2 and Clue 3 different? Clue 2 has more detailed information about events in the history of Waterford. Clue 3, the timeline, summarizes that information in simple terms and shows how events are often clustered together during certain decades. Is the timeline (Clue 3) a primary or a secondary source? It is a secondary source.
Clue Four - Waterford Grist Mill
Clue Five - Waterford Exchange Hotel
Clues 4 and 5 What are these clues? These are old photographs Are these photographs primary or secondary sources? The old photographs are primary sources. How do these clues help add to our understanding of the history of Waterford? These photographs show how two buildings shown on the map actually looked Putting all the clues together gives a better picture of the history of Waterford. For example: the map led us to question what the Waterford Exchange was; the text and timeline helped them understand that it was a hotel; and the photograph helped them understand what it looked like.
Questions Historians Ask What happened? When did it happen? Who was involved? Why did it happen?
Questions Historians Ask What happened? When did it happen? Who was involved? Why did it happen? A village called Waterford began and grew along a river. It began in 1819 Almost 200 years ago Alpheus Williams, one of the founders of the community Archibald Phillips, one of the founders of the community Henry Anderson, first blacksmith Dr. George Williams, doctor and the person who built the first grist mill People who began businesses Farmers
cause an action that makes something else happen Example: One cause of population growth in Michigan was the opening of the Erie Canal. Cause Event Effect
The river provided water and power. Two settler families built houses and a sawmill. A Village called Waterford began.
effect something that results from something else happening Example: One effect of the fur trade in Michigan was that American Indians and the French began to interact. Cause Event Effect
The river provided water and power. Two settler families built houses and a sawmill. More and more people moved to the village. More businesses were started. A Village called Waterford began.
Questions Historians Ask What happened? When did it happen? Who was involved? Why did it happen? A village called Waterford began and grew along a river. It began in 1819 Almost 200 years ago Alpheus Williams, one of the founders of the community Archibald Phillips, one of the founders of the community Henry Anderson, first blacksmith Dr. George Williams, doctor and the person who built the first grist mill People who began businesses Farmers The first settlers were attracted by the river. Later settlers came to start farms and businesses.