Thomas A. DeFanti, Maxine Brown Principal Investigators, STAR TAP/StarLight Linda Winkler, Bill Nickless, Alan Verlo, Caren Litvanyi STAR TAP Engineering Joe Mambretti, Tim Ward StarLight Facilities
STAR TAP and StarLight STAR TAP: Premier operational cross-connect of the world's high-performance academic networks Mb StarLight: Next-generation cutting-edge optical evolution of STAR TAP connecting experimental networks 1-10Gb Funded by USA National Science Foundation grants to University of Illinois at Chicago and Northwestern University, and USA Department of Energy support to Argonne National Laboratory, Math and Computer Science Division
Who is StarLight? StarLight is jointly managed and engineered by: International Center for Advanced Internet Research (iCAIR), Northwestern University –Joe Mambretti, David Carr and Tim Ward Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL), University of Illinois at Chicago –Tom DeFanti, Maxine Brown, Alan Verlo, Jason Leigh Mathematics and Computer Science Division (MCS), Argonne National Laboratory –Linda Winkler, Bill Nickless, Caren Litvanyi, Rick Stevens and Charlie Catlett
What is StarLight? Abbott Hall, Northwestern University’s Chicago downtown campus View from StarLight StarLight is an experimental optical infrastructure and proving ground for network services optimized for high-performance applications
StarLight Infrastructure StarLight is a large research-friendly co-location facility with space, power and fiber that is being made available to university and national/international network collaborators as a point of presence in Chicago
StarLight Infrastructure StarLight is a production GigE and trial 10GigE switch/router facility for high-performance access to participating networks
StarLight is Operational Equipment at StarLight StarLight equipment installed: –Cisco 6509 with GigE –IPv6 Router –Juniper M10 (GigE and OC-12 interfaces) –Juniper T640 (on loan from Caltech) –Cisco LS1010 with OC-12 interfaces –Data mining cluster with GigE NICs –Visualization/video server cluster (on order) SURFnet’s GSR Multiple vendors for 1GigE, 10GigE, DWDM and Optical Switch/Routing in the future
Commercial StarLight SBC/Ameritech Qwest Global Crossing AT&T and AT&T Broadband Level 3
USA StarLight DoE ESnet NASA NREN NSF vBNS+ (coming soon) UCAID/Internet2 Abilene Metropolitan Research & Education Network (Midwest GigaPoP)
StarLight 2x10GE Northwestern U Optical Switching Platform Passport 8600 Application Cluster Application Cluster Optical Switching Platform Passport x10GE StarLight Application Cluster Optical Switching Platform Passport x10GE 8x1GE UIC CA*net3/4--Chicago Optical Switching Platform Passport 8600 Application Cluster 2x10GE 8x1GE The Optical Metro Network Initiative (OMNInet), a 10GigE technology trial by Nortel Networks and SBC/Ameritech with partners Northwestern University, University of Illinois at Chicago and CANARIE/Canada, has one of its collocation points at StarLight.
StarLight I-WIRE, the $7M State of Illinois dark fiber initiative that connects major universities and government laboratories in Illinois, has its hub located at StarLight. UIUC/NCSA Starlight (NU-Chicago) Argonne UChicago IIT UIC Illinois Century Network James R. Thompson Ctr City Hall State of IL Bldg 4 pair 12 pair 4 pair 2 pair 4 pair 18 pair 410 pair 12 pair 2 pair Level(3) 111 N. Canal McLeodUSA 151/155 N. Michigan Doral Plaza Qwest 455 N. Cityfront UC Gleacher 450 N. Cityfront Source: Charlie Catlett 12/2001
StarLight TeraGrid, an NSF-funded Major Research Equipment initiative, has its Illinois hub located at StarLight.
StarLight Cees de Laat, U StarLight, USA Tom DeFanti, UIC and de NetherLight, The Netherlands The Netherlands (SURFnet) has a 10Gb link to StarLight.
International Research StarLight SURFnet, The Netherlands CA*net4, Canada DataTAG, European Union-funded Trans-Atlantic Grid 2.5Gb network NORDUnet, Nordic countries TransPAC/APAN, Asian-Pacific countries NaukaNet, Russia AMPATH, South American countries CERN, Laboratory for Particle Physics, Geneva UK-Light, United Kingdom (planning stages)
StarLight Engineering Partnerships Developers of 6TAP, the IPv6 global testbed, notably ESnet and Viagenie (Canadian), have an IPv6 router installed at StarLight NLANR works with STAR TAP on network measurement; the NLANR AMP (Active Measurement Platform) is located at STAR TAP
StarLight Middleware Partnerships Forming Provide tools and techniques for (university) customer-controlled 10 Gigabit network flows Build general control mechanisms from emerging toolkits, such as Globus, for Grid network resource access and allocation services Test a range of new tools, such as GMPLS and OBGP, for designing, configuring and managing optical networks and their components Create a new generation of tools for appropriate monitoring and measurements at multiple levels
Acknowledgments Organizing Institutions The Netherlands: Amsterdam Science & Technology Centre GigaPort Project SARA Computing and Networking Services SURFnet Universiteit van Amsterdam/ Science Faculty United States of America: Argonne National Laboratory/ Mathematics and Computer Science Division Indiana University/ Office of the Vice President for Information Technology Northwestern University/ International Center for Advanced Internet Research University of Illinois at Chicago/ Electronic Visualization Laboratory
Acknowledgments Participating Organizations CANARIE Internet Educational Equal Access Foundation (IEEAF) Global Grid Forum Globus Project GRIDS Center National Lab for Applied Network Research, Distributed Applications Support Team (NLANR/DAST) Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly (PRAGMA) TERENA UCAID/Internet2 University of California, San Diego/ California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology [Cal-(IT) 2 ]
Acknowledgments Sponsors Amsterdam Internet Exchange Amsterdam Science & Technology Centre Cisco Systems, Inc. City of Amsterdam GEOgraphic Network Affiliates–International GigaPort Project Glimmerglass Networks HP IBM Juniper Networks Level 3 Communications, Inc. National Computer Facilities (NWO/NCF), NL National Science Foundation, USA Royal Philips Electronics SARA Computing and Networking Services Stichting FOM Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter Stichting HEF Stichting SURF SURFnet Tyco Telecommunications Unilever NV Universiteit van Amsterdam
StarLight “Bring Us Your Lambdas” Tom DeFanti,
StarLight Thanks StarLight planning, research, collaborations, and outreach efforts at the University of Illinois at Chicago are made possible, in part, by funding from: –National Science Foundation (NSF) awards ANI , ANI , EIA , EIA , and EIA –NSF Partnerships for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (PACI) cooperative agreement ACI to the National Computational Science Alliance –State of Illinois I-WIRE Program, and UIC cost sharing –Northwestern University for providing space, engineering and management Argonne National Laboratory for StarLight and I-WIRE network engineering and planning leadership NSF/ANIR, Kees Neggers of SURFnet, Bill St. Arnaud of CANARIE, and Olivier Martin of CERN for global optical networking leadership; NSF/ACIR and NCSA/SDSC for DTF/TeraGrid opportunities UCAID/Abilene for Internet2 and their International Transit Network (ITN) CA*net4 and CENIC/Pacific Light Wave for planned North America and West Coast transit