Welcome! Meet the Teacher Night Karnes City Junior High Jeffrey Whitley
Contact Information Phone number: ext Best times to reach me: 10:30-11:15am (by phone) 12:00-12:30pm (by phone) (anytime)
Web Page My web page is a work in progress. Throughout the year, I will be adding useful links and assignments to help your students with different concepts in our curriculum. Science and Social Studies Syllabi Homework Policy Extra Credit Assignments*
Education/Background St. Philips College Associates of Arts, Kinesiology University of North Texas Bachelors of Science, Recreation and Leisure Studies 1st year at Karnes City Junior High 6th Grade Science and Social Studies
Social Studies
World Cultures and Geography Overview In this course, you will learn about cultures and institutions throughout the world. You will study why cultures are located in certain regions and how they interact with other cultures.. You will also learn how people, historical events, and environments have shaped cultures. In addition, this program examines the different types of governments, economies, and religions practiced by people throughout the world. You’ll compare and contrast how people are similar to, yet different from, each other.
Major Units of Study The World North America Central America South America Europe Russia and Eurasian Republics Southwest Asia and North Africa Africa South of the Sahara Asia
Social Studies Grades Students can earn points from the following assignments: Homework Classwork Technology Assignments Quizzes Tests Projects Group Projects
Science Overview We begin the year with lab safety, the scientific method, and process skills Curriculum based on state standards The book used is, Science Fusion.
Major Units of Study The Nature of Science Measurement and Data Matter Energy, Motion, and Forces Energy Resources Minerals and Rocks The Dynamic Earth The Solar System Space Exploration Organisms and Environments
Grades Students can earn points from the following assignments: Homework Classwork Quizzes Tests Technology Assignments Lab Investigations Lab Reports Notebook Checks Projects
Extra Help Opportunities I am available to offer extra help, clarification of assignments/labs, and study help for quizzes/test to students during: By appointment only Lunch (if not at Duty)
Enrichment Opportunities Enrichment homework assignments Problem Solving Cooperative learning experiences Leadership opportunities
Homework Homework can be expected 2-3 times a week Students should be reviewing concepts discussed in class minutes per night/study hall
Late Work Policy Homework will be due at the beginning of each class period. 5 points will be deducted for each day assignments are late, at end of the end of the 3 week grading period assignments will no longer be accepted. Late work is better than no work!!
# GoBadgers Thank You so much for coming out tonight, I’m really looking forward to a great school year! Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns you or your child may have for me…