By: THE James Tidwell THE January 8th, 2013 THE Audio Timeline By: THE James Tidwell THE January 8th, 2013
1877 Thomas Edison invents the phonograph when he recovers Mary Little Lamb from a strip of tinfoil wrapped around a spinning cylinder.
1878 Yankee Doodle by Jules Levy is the first music put on record.
1887 Emile Berliner patents a flat disk gramophone, which makes production of multiple copies easier.
1888 Thomas Edison invents an electric motor-driven phonograph.
1895 Marconi successfully uses his wireless telegraph system in Italy. Which leads to the first signals across the Atlantic from Poldhu, Cornwall, UK to St. John's, Newfoundland in 1901.
1898 Valdemar Poulsen invents the Telegraphone, which records magnetically on steel wire.
1901 Victor Talking Machine Company is founded by Emile Berliner and Eldridge Johnson.
1906 Lee DeForest invents the triode vacuum tube, which is the first electronic signal amplifier.
1912 Major Edwin F. Armstrong invents the regenerative circuit, which allows radio reception to be easier and practical.
1913 The first talking movie is done by Thomas Edison using his Kinetophone process, a cylinder player mechanically synchronized to a film projector.
1916 The Society of Motion Picture Engineers (SMPE) is founded.
1917 The Scully disk recording lathe is introduced.
1921 The first am commercial radio is broadcasted in Pittsburgh PA. by KDKA.
1925 The first electrically recorded 78 rpm disks appear.
1926 O'Neill invents the iron oxide-coated paper tape.
1927 "The Jazz Singer" is released , it is the first commercial talking picture. It uses the Vitaphone sound on disks which is synchronized with the film.
1929 The "Blattnerphone" is developed for use as a magnetic recorder using steel tape.
1933 Magnetic recording on steel wire is developed commercially.
1938 RCA develops the first column loudspeaker array.
1940 Walt Disney's "Fantasia" is released, with eight- track stereophonic sound.
1947 Ampex produces its first tape recorder, the Model 200.
1950 IBM develops a commercial magnetic drum memory.
1958 The first commercial stereo disk recordings appear.
1963 Philips introduces the Compact Cassette tape format, and offers licenses worldwide.
1975 Digital tape recording begins to take hold in professional audio studios.
1981 Philips demonstrates the Compact Disc (CD).
1984 The Apple Corporation markets the Macintosh computer.
1985 Dolby introduces the "SR" Spectral Recording system.
1990 The write-once CD-R becomes a commercial reality.
1997 DVD videodiscs and players are introduced.
1998 Hutch Tidwell’s Birthday MP-3 players for downloaded Internet audio appear.