MERCURY It is the closes to the sun. It is a small planet. There is no life there because it is so hot. One side of Mercury is so hot it cam melt led. The dark side of Mercury is cold.
VENUS It is the same size as Earth. It is considered to be the Earths sister. Venus atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide. The volcano are tall as the atmosphere. Venus is red.
EARTH It is the same size as Venus. It is the only planet to have life. The Earth is 4.6 billion years old. http ;planet
MARS Mars is red and has dusty landscapes. The orbit speed is about 24.2 km. The temperature is 32˚f.
SATURN its minimum distance from earth is 1.2 billion km. A year on Saturn is equal to The diameter of Saturn is19,871km.
JUPITER It is the largest plant in the solar system. A year on Jupiter is equal to11.9 Earth years. It value of Jupiter is enough to hold 1,300 Earths. It is the largest plant in the solar system. A year on Jupiter is equal to11.9 Earth years. It value of Jupiter is enough to hold 1,300 Earths.
URANUS Its diameter of Uranus is 51,488km. The orbit speed is 6.6km/sec. It’s the coldest planet though Neptune is the further from the sun.
NEPTUNE Its diameter is 49,493km. Its orbit speed is 5.4km/sec. Neptune has 19 moons.