Size The Sun is 865,000 miles across the diameter. It is 109 times bigger than the Earths diameter.
Shape The Sun’s shape is a sphere. It is very large compared to the Earth and Moon.
Location The Sun’s location is in the middle of the Solar System
Composition The Sun is made of many different gasses such as hydrogen, helium, and fire.
Ability To Produce Life NO! No one can live on the Sun because its so hot that people and plants cannot sustain 28,080,000 o F heat.
Ability To Produce Light The Suns ability to produce light is eternal. It burns at 28,080,000 o F. It will always produce light.
Additional Facts The Sun is the largest star in our Solar System It is in the middle of our Solar System and actually is a star! The Sun is a giant ball of gas that produces great amounts of energy to create heat and light for our Solar System.
Sources Britannica Online GOOGLE