How can students impact the climate/culture at Thomasville High School related to sexual health issues including the use of birth control and condoms?
Becoming a Difference Maker Brainstorm Birth Control PresentationsNote-taking on presentationsCrossword Puzzle ReviewUnit AssessmentDifference Making Forum Unit Summary Have you ever wondered why Thomasville City Schools continues to see high rates of teen birth despite the fact that our kids are very well educated? Have you ever wondered how you might impact this difficult issue? In this unit students will assess the climate and culture of our school related to issues surrounding sexual health, birth control and condom use. Students will each have an opportunity to research, create, and present various methods of birth control to their classmates. After taking notes on each presentation, students will use a crossword puzzle to review for a final assessment on birth control methods. The unit will wrap up with students being challenged to answer the question in a discussion forum: “How can I impact the school climate related to sexual health issues at THS in a positive way?”
Can You Make a Difference? Essential Question What is the current culture/climate at Thomasville High School related to sexual health, abstinence, and the use of birth control including condoms? How can Teen PEP peer educator’s impact the culture/climate at THS related to sexual health, abstinence, and the use of birth control including condoms Without sharing personal information, how can a Teen PEP peer educator be an effective role model regarding sexual health issues? Unit Questions Describe the difference between hormonal and barrier methods of birth control and list 3 examples of each. List 3 common mistakes that people make when using a male condom. How can abstinence as a birth control method fail? Be as specific as possible. Content Questions
Making a Difference Project 21 st Century Skills Problem-Solving Analyzing Data Communication
Gauging Student Needs Assessment Students will participate in three Wall wisher brainstorm sessions asking the following questions: Why do students not use condoms? Why do students not use birth control? Why do students not access services at the health department despite the fact that they are sexually active? Condoms? Health Department Access
My Goals for the Course… -Use technology effectively in the classroom -Positively effect climate change related to sexual health
-Help students realize they are difference makers. -Increase student collaboration -Increase student understanding of sexual health issues