Partial Products Multiplication Step by Step
742 X = Expand each number.
742= = 20+9 Expand each number. 742 x 29
742= = 20+9 Multiply 700 x x x 20 = 14000
742= = 20+9 Multiply 700 x x x 20 = x 9 = 6300
742= = 20+9 Multiply 40 x x x 20 = x 9 = x 20 = 800
742= = 20+9 Multiply 40 x x x 20 = x 9 = x 20 = x 9 = 360
742= = 20+9 Multiply 2 x x x 20 = x 9 = x 20 = x 9 = x 20 = 40
742= = 20+9 Multiply 2 x x x 20 = x 9 = x 20 = x 9 = x 20 = 40 2 x 9 = 18
742= = 20+9 Now, add all you products. 742 x x 20 = x 9 = x 20 = x 9 = x 20 = 40 2 x 9 = ,518
742 x 29 = 21,518
What if there are decimals in the problem???
If your problem has decimals in it, just count the number of digits behind the decimal points in your problem and put that many digits behind the decimal in your answer.
What if there are decimals in the problem??? If your problem has decimals in it, just count the number of digits behind the decimal points in your problem and put that many digits behind the decimal in your answer * 3.42 =
What if there are decimals in the problem??? If your problem has decimals in it, just count the number of digits behind the decimal points in your problem and put that many digits behind the decimal in your answer * 3.42 = Where do I put my decimal?
What if there are decimals in the problem??? If your problem has decimals in it, just count the number of digits behind the decimal points in your problem and put that many digits behind the decimal in your answer * 3.42 = Where do I put my decimal? 35.4 * 3.42 = I have 3 digits behind decimals in my problem..
What if there are decimals in the problem??? If your problem has decimals in it, just count the number of digits behind the decimal points in your problem and put that many digits behind the decimal in your answer * 3.42 = Where do I put my decimal? 35.4 * 3.42 = I have 3 digits behind decimals in my problem.. So I will have 3 digits behind the decimal in my answer!!! 35.4 * 3.42 =
Cool man!! I can’t believe it’s so easy!!!!!!!!!!!