Section 2: Matter & Energy


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Presentation transcript:

Section 2: Matter & Energy

What takes place when cookies are baking? While cookies are baking, energy is transferred from the oven to the cookies The baking of cookies is one example of the Kinetic Theory

The Kinetic Theory All matter is made of atoms & molecules that act like tiny particles These tiny particles are always in _________. The higher the temperature, the ___________ the particles move.

At the same temperature, more massive (heavier) particles move ________ than less massive (lighter) particles. The kinetic theory is a useful tool for visualizing the differences between the 3 common states of matter: 1) _______ 2)_______3)______

Gas (Fluid) Particles are spread apart & move _________. Expands to fill available space Exerts pressure Gases under pressure will escape their container if possible. Gases may escape with a lot of force.

Solids Unlike gas, solids do not need a container to have ___________. Very rigid structure Particles have very little freedom to change position. vibrate around a fixed locations Particles are held tightly together by strong attractions.

Liquids (Fluids) Particles are close together but are not as attracted as those in a solid. Particles move randomly & can spread out on their own. Liquids can be classified based on Viscosity. The stronger the attraction the ________the movement.

Energy = the ability to move or change matter. Changing states of matter requires energy transfer. Types of matter changes: Evaporation- liquid to ______ Condensation – gas to _______ Melting – solid to ________ Sublimation – solid to_________

Bell Ringer What is density?

Changing state DOES NOT change the composition of matter Example: ice, water, & steam are all made of H2O All that changes is the attraction between molecules

Changing states does not change the amount of Mass When an ice cube melts, the mass of the liquid = the mass of the cube. **The Law of Conservation of Mass** Mass cannot be created or destroyed

The Law of Conservation of Energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed Energy may be converted from one form to another during a physical or __________ change, the total amount of energy is always the _______.