Dover Sherborn Regional Schools Mission To inspire, challenge and support all students as they discover and pursue their full potential To inspire, challenge and support all students as they discover and pursue their full potential
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools FY13 Budget Assumptions Support Strategic Plan initiatives to move the district forward Support Strategic Plan initiatives to move the district forward –Focus on excellence in academic outcomes Continue to review and improve educational services Continue to review and improve educational services Evaluate and maintain physical plant Evaluate and maintain physical plant –Enrollment, maintenance and long term usage Comply with federal and state mandates Comply with federal and state mandates Fund contractual obligations Fund contractual obligations Utilize responsible and fiscally sound use of E&D Utilize responsible and fiscally sound use of E&D Be ever mindful of the most efficient and cost effective manner to achieve these goals Be ever mindful of the most efficient and cost effective manner to achieve these goals
Level funding of state and federal aid Enrollment at all time high Enrollment at all time high Current economic climate of towns, state and overall economy Current economic climate of towns, state and overall economy Facilities beginning to need increased maintenance as many items are off Facilities beginning to need increased maintenance as many items are off warranty warranty WWTF final inspection WWTF final inspection 5 year Capital Plan 5 year Capital Plan DSMS Air Conditioning Solution DSMS Air Conditioning Solution Dover Sherborn Regional Schools FY 13 Budget Challenges
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools Budget Terminology Gross Operating Budget – total cost of running the regional schools Gross Operating Budget – total cost of running the regional schools Total Budget Appropriations - operating costs net of debt and revenues Total Budget Appropriations - operating costs net of debt and revenues Assessment – formula by which total budget appropriations are allocated to each town Assessment – formula by which total budget appropriations are allocated to each town Minimum Local Contribution- the minimum a city or town must appropriate from property taxes and other local revenues for the support of schools Minimum Local Contribution- the minimum a city or town must appropriate from property taxes and other local revenues for the support of schools
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools FY 13 Budget Overview /(-) Gross Operating Budget$20,591,795$20,135, % Debt & Stabilization 1,404,798 1,414, % Operating Cost 19,161,997 18,721, % Revenue 2,025,414 1,945, % E&D Usage 500, % Budget Appropriation 16,661,583 16,276, % Total Assessment18,066,381$17,690, % Enrollment 1,174 1, % Per Student Cost$15,389$15,504(0.61%)
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools % Variance Analysis FY 12 vs. FY13 Salary & Other Compensation3.03% Benefits3.81% Property Insurance15.53% Other-Contracted Services, Supplies, Textbooks, ect.(5.29)% Transportation3.85% Building & Grounds (Non Personnel)2.13% Capital Cash Outlay0.00% Total Operating2.35% Debt Service(0.68)% Total Operating & Capital2.26%
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools Overall FY 13 Budget Drivers Enrollment Enrollment Physical Plant Maintenance Physical Plant Maintenance Special Education Services Special Education Services Elimination of Federal Jobs Education Money Elimination of Federal Jobs Education Money Limited growth in Federal and State Aid Limited growth in Federal and State Aid Unfunded legislative mandates Unfunded legislative mandates
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools What are We Doing Differently? Academic Excellence Academic Excellence –Title 1 Math reorganization at DSMS to improve performance –Revised Chinese program –SPED reorganization study –K-12, research, recommendations –K-12 Music, Health, PE curriculum work Technology Technology –IT staff reorganization –ASPEN expanded to include PD monitoring, warehousing student health information and family portal –WiFi pilot for DSHS juniors and seniors –Technology plan
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools What are We Doing Differently? Diversity Diversity –Multicultural initiatives K-12 –Wellness Program –Conduct METCO program self study regarding student achievement Efficient and Effective K-12 School System Efficient and Effective K-12 School System –Automate end of year reporting using Excel and Aspen –Online payment for activity, athletic and school lunch fees –Policy Manual in final stage
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools What are We Doing Differently? Con’t Outstanding Teaching Outstanding Teaching –Focus on teacher evaluation and career coaching and development > Review new State mandates –Cognite Pilot provides cutting edge technology to teachers –Skillful teacher course –Curriculum & Instructional development and initiatives by teachers
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools FY 13 Revenue & Grants % +/(-) Chapter 70 State Aid*1,334,554$1,352,295(1.31)% Transportation Aid 304, , % Fee Income 341, , % Transfer from E&D 500, % Miscellaneous 45,000 40, % Total Revenues$2,525,414$2,445, % Grants for Non-Operating ProgramsNot Available$488,714 *The FY 13 Chapter 70 State Aid is offset by $25,000 from School Choice
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools Community Investment DSEF$73,425 POSITIVE 13,635 BOOSTERS 67,000 Total$154,060
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools State Funding and Expense
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools FY 13 Use of Excess & Deficiency (E&D) FY12 Estimated General Fund Net Operating Surplus$ 600,000 Prior Year Fund Balance $ 1,005,485 E&D Use for FY13 Budget Reduction* $ (500,000) Estimated Deficit Balance CDC $ (304,630) E&D 6/30/12 $ 800,855 Percent of FY13 Operating & Capital Budget3.89% DOR Maximum E&D allowed Per Chapter 71 Sec 16B1/2 5% of FY13 Operating & Capital Budget (.05 X $20,896,336= $1,044,817) FY13 Operating Budget$20,591,796 E & D Recommendation From $ (500,000)3.89% *Pending RSC Approval
Composition of Projected FY 2012 Operating Surplus State Aid$ 45,462 Additional Transportations aid Miscellaneous Rev$ 27,494Distribution of Part D Drug Subsidy Salaries $210,000Child Rearing Leaves Health Care$100,000Migration to lower cost plans Other Expenses $189,047Other operational line items turn backs Utilities$ 30,000Utilities warmer heating season Total Anticipated Surplus$602,003
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools Operating Enrollment Trend
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools Waste Water Treatment Facility Phase 1A completed November 2011, failed DEP testing requirements (not unexpected) Phase 1A completed November 2011, failed DEP testing requirements (not unexpected) DEP required Phase 1B completion by February 28, 2012 DEP required Phase 1B completion by February 28, 2012 DEP Inspection of Phase 1B on February 9, 2012 and additional testing to commence DEP Inspection of Phase 1B on February 9, 2012 and additional testing to commence The DEP will release the ACOP against the Region if the testing shows we are in compliance The DEP will release the ACOP against the Region if the testing shows we are in compliance Phase 2 will be required if testing shows we are not in compliance Phase 2 will be required if testing shows we are not in compliance
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools 5 Year Capital Plan The FY13 operating budget will include The FY13 operating budget will include –Asphalt resurfacing- $12,275 –HS Court Yard Roof Repair- $14,850 –MS Gym floor resurfacing -$9,950 The School Committee to consider a long range plan for funding the items deferred and identified in the 5 Year Plan.
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools DSMS Air Conditioning Solution The Dover Sherborn Regional School Committee (RSC) authorized an amount not to exceed $75,000 for the purpose of designing construction bid documents to fully air condition the DSMS building. The design would be based upon the outline as proposed in the feasibility study by RW Sullivan. Pricing would be based on the full project and phased alternative (s). The RSC charged a subcommittee to have oversight of the RFP process and bring forward to the RSC in the fall 2012 recommendations to consider and approve. This committee will be compri sed of representation of the RSC, DS administration, and the towns.
Dover Sherborn Regional Schools We thank the community for supporting our students, our schools and public education at the Region We thank the community for supporting our students, our schools and public education at the Region