Indexing Title: MASuñaz’ Medical Anecdotal Report [07-04] MAR Title: Good cop? Bad cop? Date of Medical Observation: April 2007
Narration: I was driving home late one night after being in the hospital for about 38 hours. I was really beat and all I could think of was finally hitting the sack to get some much needed sleep. Then it happened.
Narration: I was driving down one of the streets I always took on my way home when a patrol car happened to take a turn down the same street but in the opposite direction. The patrol car then stopped in front of my car and the cop signaled me to roll down my window.
Narration: “Just my luck!”, I told myself. I rolled down my window still wondering what it was about and the cop told me I took an illegal turn and I was driving in the opposite direction down a one way street.
Narration: I told him I was unaware it was a one way street because there wasn’t any street sign saying that it was. He insisted that it was a one way street and asked for my license. I figured it was useless to argue so I complied.
Narration: I was looking at a stress filled night that might even and up embarrassing if they took me to OM for medical certification.
Narration: Then just as I was reaching for my wallet to take out my driver’s license, he asked me where I was headed and where I came from. I told him I was headed home at UN Avenue and that I came from Ospital ng Maynila because I was a doctor there.
Narration: Upon hearing this, he told me, “Ay, doctor ka pala sa Ospital ng Maynila. Pasensya na, dok. ‘di kita nakilala. Sige ok na.” I was surprised but relieved at the same time. As I was driving home, I thanked God the night still turned out ok.
Insight: (Physical, Psychosocial, Ethical) (Discovery, Stimulus, Reinforcement)
If you ask any surgical resident regarding issuing medical certificates while on ER duty, I’m sure they share the same sentiments with me.
The task can be really stressfull especially when one already has his hands full with already existing ER patients and suddenly the police come in bringing with them detainees, sometimes by the hoards, for you to examine and medically certify.
I guess the fact that we don’t get anything in return except for the possibility of being subpoenad has made me dislike this task.
This experience has made me realize that being in my position also has its perks. But it also left me wondering when palakasan would end in this country.