Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Missouri Bicycle Federation, Inc. St. Louis Regional Bicycle Federation, Inc. Greater Kansas City Bicycle Federation, Inc. Springfield Bicycle Club PedNet, Columbia
Bicycling and Walking The Missouri Bicycle Federation, Inc. Statewide advocacy Statewide legislative lobbying Lobbying/advocacy at the federal level Bicycle safety Bicycle education Communication among statewide bicyclists and bicycle groups Coordination/advocacy in cooperation with pedestrian groups
Bicycling and Walking MoBikeFed, STLBikeFed, PedNet (Columbia), Ozark Greenways (Springfield), and other major bicycle and pedestrian organizations have seats of MoDOT’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee MoDOT’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Bicycling and Walking Our Message MoDOT is already doing a lot of things right-- much more so than most people realize
Bicycling and Walking Our Message MoDOT is already doing a lot of things right-- much more so than most people realize –Open to public input
Bicycling and Walking Our Message MoDOT is already doing a lot of things right-- much more so than most people realize –Open to public input –Responsive to problems and issues
Bicycling and Walking Our Message MoDOT is already doing a lot of things right-- much more so than most people realize –Open to public input –Responsive to problems and issues –Bicycle and pedestrian accommodation is quite good on many newer projects
Bicycling and Walking Our Message MoDOT is already doing a lot of things right-- much more so than most people realize –Open to public input –Responsive to problems and issues –Bicycle and pedestrian accommodation is quite good on many newer projects –MoDOT policies are moving towards routine accommodation of bicyclists and pedestrians
Bicycling and Walking Our Message MoDOT is already doing a lot of things right-- much more so than most people realize –Open to public input –Responsive to problems and issues –Bicycle and pedestrian accommodation is quite good on many newer projects –MoDOT policies are moving towards routine accommodation of bicyclists and pedestrians –Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator
Bicycling and Walking Our Message MoDOT is already doing a lot of things right-- much more so than most people realize –Open to public input –Responsive to problems and issues –Bicycle and pedestrian accommodation is quite good on many newer projects –MoDOT policies are moving towards routine accommodation of bicyclists and pedestrians –Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator –MoDOT Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Bicycling and Walking Our Message We seek a balance between our needs and those of motorists
Bicycling and Walking Our Message We seek a balance between our needs and those of motorists We realize that this balance must be struck within a limited budget and with limited resources
Bicycling and Walking Our Message We seek a balance between our needs and those of motorists We realize that this balance must be struck within a limited budget and with limited resources –MoBikeFed has supported increased funding for better roads--if spent wisely
Bicycling and Walking Our Message We seek a balance between our needs and those of motorists We realize that this balance must be struck within a limited budget and with limited resources –MoBikeFed has supported increased funding for better roads--if spent wisely –MoBikeFed supports giving Missouri its fair share of the Federal Highway Fund
Bicycling and Walking Our Message We seek a balance between our needs and those of motorists We realize that this balance must be struck within a limited budget and with limited resources –MoBikeFed has supported increased funding for better roads--if spent wisely –MoBikeFed supports giving Missouri its fair share of the Federal Highway Fund Many bicycle/pedestrian accommodations are simple and inexpensive--good design and planning is needed more than just money
Bicycling and Walking Drain Grates
Bicycling and Walking Our Message We would like to be MoDOT’s partner:
Bicycling and Walking Our Message We would like to be MoDOT’s partner –in communicating to our constituents what MoDOT is doing well
Bicycling and Walking Our Message We would like to be MoDOT’s partner –in communicating to our constituents what MoDOT is doing well –in working out how best to accommodate the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians in the future
Bicycling and Walking Our Message We would like to be MoDOT’s partner –in communicating to our constituents what MoDOT is doing well –in working out how best to accommodate the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians in the future –in keeping open lines of communication between the groups we represent and MoDOT
Bicycling and Walking Our Message We would like to be MoDOT’s partner –in communicating to our constituents what MoDOT is doing well –in working out how best to accommodate the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians in the future –in keeping open lines of communication between the groups we represent and MoDOT –In working to make smoother, safer roads in Missouri
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 1 million adult Missourians bicycle regularly (27%)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 1 million adult Missourians bicycle regularly (27%) 96 bicycle clubs and organizations
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 1 million adult Missourians bicycle regularly (27%) 96 bicycle clubs and organizations 26 walking, running, hiking organizations
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 1 million adult Missourians bicycle regularly (27%) 96 bicycle clubs and organizations 26 walking, running, hiking organizations 129 bicycle shops serving Missouri
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 1 million adult Missourians bicycle regularly (27%) 96 bicycle clubs and organizations 26 walking, running, hiking organizations 129 bicycle shops serving Missouri The Missouri Bicycle Federation is a coalition of bicycling and walking groups
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 1 million adult Missourians bicycle regularly (27%) 96 bicycle clubs and organizations 26 walking, running, hiking organizations 129 bicycle shops serving Missouri The Missouri Bicycle Federation is a coalition of bicycling and walking groups Total coalition membership about 7500
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 150 recreational trails in Missouri
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 150 recreational trails in Missouri Katy 225 miles is longest rail-trail in U.S.
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 150 recreational trails in Missouri Katy 225 miles is longest rail-trail in U.S. –About half a million visitors per year –$6 million per year in tourist income –300 businesses cater to Katy Trail users –Potentially basis of quad-state trail over 1000 miles in length
Bicycling and Walking The Quad-State Trail Vision The Quad-State Trail would encompass more than 1000 miles of recreational trail in four states
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 150 recreational trails in Missouri Katy 225 miles is longest rail-trail in U.S. –About half a million visitors per year –$6 million per year in tourist income –300 businesses cater to Katy Trail users –Potentially basis of quad-state trail over 1000 miles in length Four major cross-country bicycle routes (on- road)
Bicycling and Walking The four cross-country, on-road bicycle tourist routes in Missouri Mississippi River Trail TransAmerica Route Lewis & Clark Trail American Discovery Trail
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Basic Facts Over 150 recreational trails in Missouri Katy 225 miles is longest rail-trail in U.S. –About half a million visitors per year –$6 million per year in tourist income –300 businesses cater to Katy Trail users –Potentially basis of quad-state trail over 1000 miles in length Four major cross-country bicycle routes (on- road) –No other state has more –But--level of service is lower than other states
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Why Accommodate Bicycling and Walking? People like to live where they can bicycle and walk
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Why Accommodate Bicycling and Walking? People like to live where they can bicycle and walk –MoDOT roads are often biggest impediment to bicycle/pedestrian access in cities & towns
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Why Accommodate Bicycling and Walking? People like to live where they can bicycle and walk –MoDOT roads are often biggest impediment to bicycle/pedestrian access in cities & towns Americans support transportation choice
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Why Accommodate Bicycling and Walking? People like to live where they can bicycle and walk –MoDOT roads are often biggest impediment to bicycle/pedestrian access in cities & towns Americans support transportation choice Federal funding--comes with a federal mandate that we worked for and we support
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Why Accommodation Bicycling and Walking? Centers for Disease Control has called for walkable/bicycleable communities (obesity costs MO $1.6 billion in direct costs per year)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Why Accommodation Bicycling and Walking? Centers for Disease Control has called for walkable/bicycleable communities (obesity costs MO $1.6 billion in direct costs per year) 75,000 Missourians walk or bicycle to work (more than use mass transit)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Why Accommodation Bicycling and Walking? Centers for Disease Control has called for walkable/bicycleable communities (obesity costs MO $1.6 billion in direct costs per year) 75,000 Missourians walk or bicycle to work (more than use mass transit) Tourist potential--largely untapped in Missouri
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics Statistics
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Fatalities Fatalities (2002) –1208 died in motor vehicle crashes
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Fatalities Fatalities (2002) –1208 died in motor vehicle crashes –8.3% of these are pedestrians
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Fatalities Fatalities (2002) –1208 died in motor vehicle crashes –8.3% of these are pedestrians –1.5% of these are bicyclists
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Fatalities Fatalities (2002) –1208 died in motor vehicle crashes –8.3% of these are pedestrians –1.5% of these are bicyclists –50% of bicycle fatalities are on state lettered or numbered routes
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Injuries Injuries (four year period ) –363,817 total roadway/transportation injuries
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Injuries Injuries (four year period ) –363,817 total roadway/transportation injuries –3.1% of these are pedestrians
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Injuries Injuries (four year period ) –363,817 total roadway/transportation injuries –3.1% of these are pedestrians –10.1% of these are bicyclists
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Injuries Injuries (four year period ) –363,817 total roadway/transportation injuries –3.1% of these are pedestrians –10.1% of these are bicyclists About 90% bicycle-only / 10% involve motor vehicle
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Injuries Injuries (four year period ) –363,817 total roadway/transportation injuries –3.1% of these are pedestrians –10.1% of these are bicyclists About 90% bicycle-only / 10% involve motor vehicle Average out-of-pocket cost for bicycle only injuries-- $3200
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Injuries Injuries (four year period ) –363,817 total roadway/transportation injuries –3.1% of these are pedestrians –10.1% of these are bicyclists About 90% bicycle-only / 10% involve motor vehicle Average out-of-pocket cost for bicycle only injuries-- $3200 Causes of bicycle-only crashes: –Parallel bar grate, roadway imperfections, etc. cause fall
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Injuries Injuries (four year period ) –363,817 total roadway/transportation injuries –3.1% of these are pedestrians –10.1% of these are bicyclists About 90% bicycle-only / 10% involve motor vehicle Average out-of-pocket cost for bicycle only injuries-- $3200 Causes: –Parallel bar grate, roadway imperfections, etc. cause fall –Bicyclist hugging road edge near ditch, curb, etc.
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Injuries Injuries (four year period ) –363,817 total roadway/transportation injuries –3.1% of these are pedestrians –10.1% of these are bicyclists About 90% bicycle-only / 10% involve motor vehicle Average out-of-pocket cost for bicycle only injuries-- $3200 Causes: –Parallel bar grate, roadway imperfections, etc. cause fall –Bicyclist hugging road edge near ditch, curb, etc. –Motorist runs bicyclist off the road
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Injuries Injuries (four year period ) –363,817 total roadway/transportation injuries –3.1% of these are pedestrians –10.1% of these are bicyclists About 90% bicycle-only / 10% involve motor vehicle Average out-of-pocket cost for bicycle only injuries-- $3200 Causes: –Parallel bar grate, roadway imperfections, etc. cause fall –Bicyclist hugging road edge near ditch, curb, etc. –Motorist runs bicyclist off the road –Bicyclist must take evasive action due to motorist
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Injuries Injuries (four year period ) –363,817 total roadway/transportation injuries –3.1% of these are pedestrians –10.1% of these are bicyclists About 90% bicycle-only / 10% involve motor vehicle Average out-of-pocket cost for bicycle only injuries-- $3200 Causes: –Parallel bar grate, roadway imperfections, etc. cause fall –Bicyclist hugging road edge near ditch, curb, etc. –Motorist runs bicyclist off the road –Bicyclist must take evasive action due to motorist –Simple falls, bicycle-bicycle collisions, bicycle-pedestrian collisions, bicycle- dog collisions, bicycle-road debris collisions, etc.
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Safety Spending
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Bicycle Mode Share
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Bicycling Injury Rate
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Deficiencies What is missing from Missouri’s bike/ped statistics?
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Deficiencies What is missing from Missouri’s bike/ped statistics? –We do not have a good handle on how much bicycling and walking happens in Missouri
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Deficiencies What is missing from Missouri’s bike/ped statistics? –We do not have a good handle on how much bicycling and walking happens in Missouri We do not know whether bicycling & walking are increasing or decreasing We cannot calculate injury rates We do not know whether injury rates are increasing or decreasing
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Statistics-Deficiencies What is missing from Missouri’s bike/ped statistics? –We do not have a good handle on how much bicycling and walking happens in Missouri We do not know whether bicycling & walking are increasing or decreasing We cannot calculate injury rates We do not know whether injury rates are increasing or decreasing –We do not have enough analysis of crash types and causes, particularly for bicycle-only crashes
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Missouri Laws Missouri Laws Regarding Bicyclists and Pedestrians
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Missouri Laws-Overview MoDOT has the constitutional authority to “limit access to, from and across state highways and other transportation facilities where the public interests and safety may require” Pedestrians and bicyclists are allowed to travel on roadways except where specifically prohibited Bicyclists generally follow same traffic law as motorists Freeways have statutory minimum speed limit of 40 MPH
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Missouri Laws-Pedestrian Pedestrians use sidewalk if available; otherwise (left) side of roadway or shoulder ( RSMO) Pedestrians must follow control signals if present ( RSMO) Pedestrians have the right of way when using a marked or unmarked crosswalk ( RSMO) Crossing at other than a crosswalk, pedestrians must first yield to all vehicles on the roadway ( RSMO)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Missouri Laws-Bicycle Basic Law for Bicyclists Rights and duties of bicycle and motorized bicycle riders. RSMO Every person riding a bicycle or motorized bicycle upon a street or highway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle as provided by chapter 304, RSMo, except as to special regulations in sections to and except as to those provisions of chapter 304, RSMo, which by their nature can have no application.
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Missouri Laws-Bicycle Bicyclists must obey all traffic laws: –Stop at stop signs/traffic signals –Ride with, not against, traffic –Signal turns –Except for interstate highways, there are no minimum speed limits on Missouri highways Special bicycle-only regulations –Bicyclists must have lights front & rear after dark –Bicyclists must have working brakes –May not hold on to another vehicle –“Ride to the right” regulation
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Missouri Laws-Bicycle Bicyclists ride as near to the right as safe RSMO Every person operating a bicycle or motorized bicycle at less than the posted speed or slower than the flow of traffic upon a street or highway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as safe, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction, except when –making a left turn –when avoiding hazardous conditions –when the lane is too narrow to share with another vehicle or –when on a one-way street. Bicyclists may ride abreast when not impeding other vehicles.
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Federal Transportation Law Federal Transportation Law and Policy
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Federal Transportation Law Routine Accommodation We expect every transportation agency to make accommodation for bicycling and walking a routine part of their planning, design, construction, operations and maintenance activities. (FHWA Memorandum, February 24th, 1999)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Federal Transportation Law Routine Accommodation Bicycling and walking ought to be accommodated, as an element of good planning, design, and operation, in all new transportation projects unless there are substantial safety or cost reasons for not doing so. (FHWA Memorandum, February 24th, 1999)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Federal Transportation Law Improve Safety We also have a responsibility to improve the safety of bicycling and walking as the two modes represent more than 14 percent of the 41,000 traffic fatalities the nation endures each year. Pedestrian and bicycle safety is one of FHWA's top priorities. (FHWA Memorandum, February 24th, 1999)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Federal Transportation Law Bicyclists and Pedestrians Present Everywhere Allowed To varying extents, bicyclists and pedestrians will be present on all highways and transportation facilities where they are permitted and it is clearly the intent of TEA-21 that all new and improved transportation facilities be planned, designed, and constructed with this fact in mind. (FHWA Guidance, February 24th, 1999)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Federal Transportation Law Intent of Congress Congress clearly intends for bicyclists and pedestrians to have safe, convenient access to the transportation system and sees every transportation improvement as an opportunity to enhance the safety and convenience of the two modes. (FHWA Guidance, February 24th, 1999)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Federal Transportation Law Presumption of Bicycle/Pedestrian Accommodation "Due consideration" of bicycle and pedestrian needs should include, at a minimum, a presumption that bicyclists and pedestrians will be accommodated in the design of new and improved transportation facilities. (FHWA Guidance, February 24th, 1999)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Federal Transportation Law Bridge Access On highways without full control of access where a bridge deck is being replaced or rehabilitated, and where bicycles are permitted to operate at each end, the bridge shall be reconstructed so that bicycles can be safely accommodated when it can be done at a reasonable cost. (Federal-aid Policy Guide, part 652.5)
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Federal Transportation Law Consultation with Organized Bicycling Groups Consultation with local groups of organized bicyclists is to be encouraged in the development of bicycle projects. (Federal-aid Policy Guide, part 652.5)
Bicycling and Walking Drain Grates
Bicycling and Walking Expansion Joints
Bicycling and Walking Rumble Strips
Bicycling and Walking Bicycling and Walking in Missouri Topics Smooth roads? Practical Design? Safe Routes to Schools? Enhancements? How can we help you? –institutionalize bicycle and pedestrian accommodation throughout MoDOT? –provide bicycle-safe shoulders throughout the state? –Make Missouri roads safer for walking and bicycling?