Student Organizations Academy 2015 Working With Your Advisor Session 1 12:00-12:25pm Molly Dugan Assistant Director for Leadership & Orientation Office of Student Involvement
What is an advisor? “A person who gives advice, typically someone who is an expert in a particular field.” (Oxford Dictionaries)
What is an advisor? According to Xavier, an advisor serves “primarily as a resource and consultant to student clubs and organizations and secondly as a director or planner of programs.” (Xavier Student Org. Advisor Handbook)
Let’s Break that Down… At your tables, discuss: How do you currently use your advisor? How could you better use your advisor? What challenges do you have working with your advisor (without naming the person)?
Setting Expectations Expectations should be MUTUAL! What does this mean? – The organization-advisor relationship is not a one-way street…your organization should have defined responsibilities of the advisor and the advisor may have defined responsibilities for you (per the advisor handbook). What are some realistic expectations to have of your advisor? What are unrealistic expectations? What expectations should your advisor have of you and your organization?
Xavier’s Expectations of Advisors Xavier sets expectations for advisors as well: – Mentor – Active Participant – Supervisor – Financial Consultant Advisor Agreement Form – End of each year, signed by incoming president and advisor – When a new advisor comes on board
Conflict Management What happens when you disagree with your advisor? – How can you appropriately address conflict? When you need assistance…we’re here to help! – Crystal and Dustin are always willing to work with groups and their advisors when a conflict arises. If the situation calls for it, Leah is also available. What if we want (or need) a new advisor?
Final Thoughts Your advisor should be someone who is helpful to your organization! All organizations will have a different level of engagement with their advisor—and that’s ok! Speak up! Advisors don’t know what you need unless you ask! The goal is for the organization to succeed!
Wrap-up Pair and Share: What is one take-away that you can apply to your student organization? Questions? Come see us in OSI! – Gallagher 210, 8:30am-5pm or by appointment