Chapter 4 –Rules and regulations for safe driving
Speed Limits
Speed control Based on Road Conditions Always slow down on hills, intersections, narrow/winding roads, sharp blind curves, heavy pedestrian areas, bad roads Too slow is no good-NJ LAW Safe corridors- Fines double, based on high accident areas
Passing Always stay to the right, Pass to the left Make sure there is no oncoming traffic The line closest to your lane signifies passing rules Solid or Broken
Passing continued Can only pass on the right when it is a multi-lane highway Never pass on right in shoulder, illegal in NJ Never pass on hill or corner, intersection, railroad crossing, narrow bridges & tunnels, signage, behind a vehicle that has stopped for pedestrians
Keep to the right Must stay as close to the right shoulder as possible Must only pass on left Multi-lane highways must be in the furthermost right lane Once you pass get back to the right
Yielding: Right of way Emergency Vehicles- Police, EMT, Fire Buses- Re-entering flow of traffic Postal Vehicles- Re-entering flow of traffic Motorized or Mobility-assistance devices: In crosswalk or crossing the road Other vehicles in an intersection
Yielding to Pedestrians Pedestrian Safety is a shared responsibility Stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, failure to can lead to a $ 500 fine, up to 25 days in jail, community service, 6 months license suspension, and 2 points Watch for pedestrians when turning on red or on right turns Do not block or stop in a crosswalk Obey speed limits
Intersections Where two or more roads cross or merge at angles Most collisions occur in an intersection A single solid white line means that you need to stop for a traffic light or stop sign
Controlled intersections Considered controlled by traffic lights, stop signs, or law enforcement First person to arrive has right away If both arrive at the same time=person to right has the right of way Always yield to oncoming traffic when making left turn Must stop within 5 feet away from the nearest crosswalk/white line
Who Goes First?
Uncontrolled intersections Two or more roads join and no traffic lights or stop signs Usually a warning sign SLOW DOWN Approach Carefully Private driveway/road must yield Left always yields to vehicle on the right Traffic signals out observed as a 4 way stop sign
Traffic Circles Blind areas are common in rural areas…be sure to check before proceeding Traffic Circles-Have no set rules for entering, driving in, and exiting…follow signage Traffic circles traffic patterns are usually dictated by the major road that enters the circle- If unsure the car on the left yields to the car on the right
Driving on interstates Highways, parkways, and turnpikes are high speed 65mph divided roadways with multiple lanes Entrance to highways by on-ramps or acceleration lanes which are extra lanes that allow cars to speed up to match traffic speed Acceleration lane drivers must yield to those in lanes of traffic already Obey ramp speed limit Speed up to the flow of traffic Avoid coming to a complete stop Yield to traffic and enter right lane only when safe
Exiting Interstates Exit ramps or deceleration lanes are used to exit an interstate Exit only lanes, signage will designate Begin to slow down when entering lane/Obey speed limit in deceleration lane Check signage for proper lane for exit, left or right
Weave Lanes A lane where both motorists enter and exit an expressway Person entering must yield to the person exiting
Driving during rush hour During rush hour avoid the right lane Congestion near exits and entrances Plan ahead for exits
Disabled Vehicles Reduce speed and increase the space in between your vehicle and the disabled vehicle, switch lanes Be alert for pedestrians, officers, tow trucks etc.
If your car becomes disabled Pull as far off the road as possible either onto the median or shoulder Turn on hazard/emergency flashers Stay in the vehicle and keep the doors locked Call for help Do not get into a stranger’s car
Construction Areas Be aware while in a construction zone for machinery and workers Adjust speed and spacing Beware that fines may be doubled in a construction zone
Toll Booths Green light signifies lanes is open Obey Speed limits E-Z Pass Booths and E-Z Pass High speed lanes Check both sides before merging after booths
Right turn on red As long as no turn on red sign exists drivers can make right on red Must come to a complete stop and check for traffic Must yield to all on-coming traffic and pedestrians Make sure signal is made 100 feet before turn
Right Turns Slow down as you approach turn Blinker on 100 feet before turn Stay close to the corner/curb as possible Do not swing into other lane, stay in the right lane
Left Turns Two Left Turns Cars must proceed carefully From a one way road to another, turn from left lane into left lane
Stopping First few seconds of a fresh green light is when accidents happen the most A yellow light must mean the vehicle stops before the intersection unless it is impossible to slow down in time due to proximity If a light changes while in intersection, proceed with caution Amount of seconds between yellow and red based on speed limit of the road
Stopping Continued Common Reasons that call for you to STOP: Intersections with stop signs/lights Traffic officer Yield sign, but traffic does not permit a safe merge School bus with red lights flashing When coming from an alley or private driveway For a blind pedestrian using a white or metallic walking cane or guide dog Pedestrian at a crosswalk Mobility device
Railroad Crossings All crossings have warning systems-Lights, Buzzers, Gates, Bells, Etc. A motorist must stop at 15 feet away from the crossing Never attempt to cross with signals still active Certain vehicles such as school buses and vehicles carrying hazardous materials must always stop regardless
Stopping for School Buses A motorist must stop for a school bus with red flashing lights On a two-lane road or multi-lane highway separated by only painted lines drivers must stop 25 FEET away from the bus If a safety island or median exists in between lines the motorist must proceed at a speed of 10 MPH If a bus stops directly in front of a school to pick up or drop off a developmental disability student a motorist may pass at a speed no greater than 10MPH
Frozen Dessert Trucks When read lights are flashing and stop signal arm is out motorists must: Yield the right-of-way to any person who is crossing the roadway to or from the truck Watch out for children and be prepared to stop Stop, then drive past the vehicle at a speed of 15MPH A motorist on the other side of the road separated by a median or safety island does not need to stop
Emergency Vehicles All motorists must yield to emergency vehicles with sirens/flashing red or blue lights Steer to the extreme right of the road and wait for the vehicle to pass Once the emergency vehicle passes the motorist must remain at least 300 FEET behind Motorists should never park within 200 FEET of a fire truck in service or drive over the hoses unless directed to do so
MOVE OVER LAW Any emergency vehicle, tow truck, highway service vehicle that has any combination of lights that include the colors of red, blue, yellow, or amber Traffic permitting move to the lane that is adjacent to your vehicle and that provides a lane space between the emergency vehicle and yourself If you are not able to move over reduce speed, well below speed limit Fines range from $100-$500
Headlights Headlights must be used one half hour before sunrise & one half hour after sunset Headlights must also be used in conditions when visibility is 500ft or less and/or windshield wipers are on
Headlights Continued Two levels of head lights- Brights (high) & Dims (low) controlled by switch on/near dashboard Bright beam- For open country roads, causes vision to be wider and longer At night motorists pupils are dilated=more light in which means high beams can blind and effects can last up to 5 seconds Dim beams are used in city driving, cars approaching, or driving behind an individual
Other Types of Lights on a vehicle Parking lights- Used for a short period of time in areas other than residential or business areas Tail-lights: Turn on with headlights at night, during day turn on with brakes brake Lights: Signifying slowing down or stopping when pressure is applied to brake Interior Lights: To help illuminate the interior of the car especially at night Fog lights- Accompany dim lights, used in foggy conditions to help improve visibility
Parking regulations Six inches from curb or less; Do not brake traffic Be careful when exiting/opening door Be sure to check all parking signs NEVER PARK IN: Highway Crosswalk Safety Zone Construction sites Handicap Spots On A Sidewalk In Front of driveways 10 Feet of a fire hydrant, 50 feet of railroad crossing, 50 feet of stop sign, 20 feet of fire house driveway & 75 feet on opposite street of firehouse
Cell Phones All handheld devices are illegal to use in NJ Primary Offense Hands free devices are legal All GDL drivers cannot use both a hands-free or handheld electronic 1st- Offense 200-400 Dollars 2nd-Offense within 10 Years- 400-600 Dollars 3rd-Offense within 10 years- 600-800; 3 points assessed; 90 days suspension Kulesh’s, Kuberts’, and Bolis’ Law 2012- An individual can be charged with vehicular manslaughter or assault by auto for an accident cause by a cellphone
Litter Fines up to $1,000 If litter is thrown while car is moving, motorists could lose license Any littler, debris, rubbish being transported must be covered while in transport