Why “...find ways of working together that will have positive outcomes for the clients....” Develop better links Access funding Develop & deliver programs Good discharge planning Integrated care Clear communication, dispute resolution Keen on collaborative work
How “.....everyone involved has an interest in making it work...” Initial visit face to face Developed relationship over considerable length of time Transparent open communication Invite to reference group meetings
Positives Good linkages maintained Staff gain experience in different work environments. Raises staff knowledge base and skill level in comorbidity MOU help with conflict resolution.
Challenges High Staff turnover Busy schedules and workloads Varying timelines of those involved Establishing the key personnel
Challenges Personality issues can be overcome by a greater understanding of each others expectations. Challenges looked at openly can be overcome with open communication. Developing and signing a MOU can take a long time, this can be hard to achieve in a short time frame.
MOU can have a top down approach, whereas the linkage is at the grass roots level. Awareness of timelines and work issues helps set realistic timeframes which is one way of overcoming challenges. Flexibility is a way of overcoming most challenges.
Key Tips “....Try to establish who the key personnel are. This is not always easy, but arrangements are always easier to make when speaking to the right person and much time can be saved....” “....Be prepared to listen to each other to progress the partnership....” “.... Work with what you know you can work with....”
Key Tips “... Joining people up that have common momentum, brings a lot more weight.....” “.... Client outcome is the focus....” “...Creating relationships in the beginning is huge, it should not be underestimated....”
Key Tips “....Focus on fewer partnerships initially to enable you to spend time developing these partnerships to a deeper level...” “... Recognising the partnership is a ‘two-way’ street and it ‘cuts both ways’ is important for success....” “.... Almost anything can be accomplished as long as no-one cares who get the credit.....”