NC Environmental Stewardship Initiative Reporting Data Gary Hunt NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance
Environmental Stewardship – The Vision In an ideal world, regulation is replaced by stewardship; an inherent respect for the environment. In this concept of stewardship, everyone takes responsibility for their actions and the use of resources for the benefit of the community.
Goal To encourage the regulated community to be active stewards of the environment.
Tier three: Steward Tier one: Partner Tier two: Rising Steward
ESI Status 2008 54 (86 sites) Environmental Partners 14 Rising Environmental Stewards 8 Environmental Stewards Novozymes North America Inc. ASMO North Carolina Inc. City of Gastonia Long Creek WWTP Corning Inc. – Wilmington Optical Fiber Facility Fleet Readiness Center East - Cherry Point GKN Smithfield Packing – Wilson Michelin Tires
Goal #1 (Objective): Reduction of VOC Emissions Target Description: 80% Reduction from 1999 baseline Target Timeframe: 2010 Actions: Continued reduction in motors requiring solvent based coating. Air – Total VOCs: Units of Measurements: tons Performance Data: Baseline Year 1999 Baseline Value Value Value Target Value 24 Target Year 2010 Estimated economic impact: Decrease $/yr Example Report Form
Reductions Category Totals Air Emissions297 tons208 tons232 tons245 tons980 tons Hazardous Waste12 tons119 tons405 tons12.52 tons549 tons Landfilled Waste997 tons82,453 tons59,441 tons205,629348,520 tons Energy11,737 Mbtu 48,451 Mbtu169,349,052 Mbtu 28,672,700 Mbtu 198,081,939 Mbtu Water Use369,529,21 6 gal 54,201,286 gal591,356,273 gal 89,924,262 gal 1,099,011,037 gal Recycled Materials 10,015 tons8,047 tons12,594 tons23,98654,643 tons Total Cost Savings Not reported $12,721,772$10,393,9302,971,039$26,086,741
Use of Annual Report Data Results Based Budgeting ESI Legislative Report Measures for PPG Water Conservation Efforts Case Studies ESI Marketing P2 Results
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Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance Web site: Gary Hunt