1 South Arm Installation Plan Itaru Nakagawa RIKEN/RBRC
2 South Arm Installation
3 North Station-1 Before After
4 New Electronics Board 4 Signal from MuTr (64 ch) 6.5 V 1.2 Gbps 9.4 MHz Regulators (3.3, 2.5, 1.2 V) Cooling Water Dry air Cooling Water
5 Chassis ( 車体、シャーシ) Install Mount on Existin’ FEE (フロントエンド回路) : 6 screws (10min.) Chamber Cables (30min.) Board Install + cables (10min) Cooling Water & Air (15min.) ~ 1 hour/FEE 120 ~ 120 hours
6 Statistics Station123Total Chassis (車体、シャー シ) ADTX Boards (集積回路) South Arm
7 ‘09 Shutdown Schedule Starts End of June Guaranteed Month Shutdown Period Close hall on Dec.1 (Likely), Mid.Nov. (Unlikely) St-2&3 Scaffold Disassembly Starts 4th week October Effectively we have <3 months for Install North:Aug - Dec~5 months (Intense Cable Install -> Scaffold Disassembly starts)
8 Travel Schedule
9 Infrastructure Install Schedule Spin fest
10 Install Schedule (ADTX & Rack Room)
11 North Man Power Summary ExpertJulyAugSeptOctNovDecTotal Tsutomu Kenichi Katsuro Yoshi112 Itaru Total17 unit:month Summer HelpTotalPre-Install Rikkyo Kyoto30.0 Eric31.5 Total
12 Projection to South Required Man Power Expert { 17Month 0.9 (South/North) 15/16 (Half Octant-5) - 3Month (Noise Hunt) + 0.5Month (Noise Hunt) Month (Miscabling Check) } 1(experience) = 12.5 Month is required Summer Students –Pre-Install 3.5 0.9(South/North) 0.9(experience) = 2.8 Month (3/5)(Work Done by Eric) ~ 2 Month (to be covered by Japanese students) –Total { (DB development) } 0.9 (South/North) ~ 9 Month
13 South Man Power Estimation ExpertJulyAugSeptOctNovDecTotal Tsutomu0.5? 1.5 Kenichi0.3?0.3 Katsuro0.50.5? 1.5 Yoshi Itaru Imazu Total9.3 unit:month Summer HelpTotalPre-Install Tokyo2 Rikkyo2.5 Kyoto2 RIKEN (Kanaya)1 Local Students (Eric, Schadrac, RPC folks)2.52 Total102
14 LV Cable Status 16/20 Bundles Completed Frank Toldo will cut and assemble connectors this week. Schadrac will work on bundling in July 16 ~ 17 Schadrac Philogene Ready for Install by 4th week of July
15 Optical Fiber Status Test & Labeling Completed by Eric Jones Bundling: ( 3 RPC Students + Schadrac ) 1 week 20/20 Completed Ready for Install any time RPC students Eric Jones
16 Other Items Stock List Labeling Done Labeling & Bundling Done
17 July 3rd Week LV Cable Bundling (Schadrac) Test Bench for Chassis –Test Bench Set up (Katsuro) –Back Plane Test (Ninomiya) –Water Leak Test (John T.) Mega Pack LV Power Supply Install (Frank) St.2, St.3 Cable Tray Install (Paul) South Cable Route Map (Ninomiya)
18 July 4th Week Uninstall St.2, St.3 LV, Fiber Cables (Schadrac, Ninomiya, Itaru) St.2, St.3 LV, Fiber, Trunk Cable Install (Schadrac, Ninomiya, Itaru, Local Student) Test Bench for Chassis –Back Plane Test (Ninomiya) –Water Leak Test (John T.) Patch Bay Channel Map (Ninomiya)
19 July 5th Week St.2, St.3 LV, Fiber, Trank Cable Install (Schadrac, Ninomiya, Itaru, Local Student?) St.2, St.3 LV platform (Frank) Trunk Cable Patch Bay Connection (Schadrac, Nimomiya) Test Bench for Chassis –Back Plane Test (Ninomiya) –Water Leak Test (John T.) South Magnet in South Position Station-1 Scaffold Construction (Union)
20 Aug 1st Week Station-1 Scaffold Construction (Union) St.1 LV, Fiber Install (All) St.1 LV platform (Frank) Optical Fiber Patch Bay Connection (Nimomiya, Kanaya, Hirota, Ichikawa) Station-2,3 Scaffold Construction
21 Aug 2nd Week St.1 LV, Fiber Install (All) St.1 LV platform (Frank) Optical Fiber Patch Bay Connection (Nimomiya, Kanaya, Hirota, Ichikawa) Optical Fiber Chain Test (Ninomiya, Kanaya) ADTX-FEE Cable Test Bench –Setup (Yoshi) –Test (Hirota, Ichikawa) Station-2,3 Scaffold Construction Station-1 Chassis Mount (Jimmy)
22 Aug 3rd Week LV Tuning (Yoshi, Kanaya) Optical Fiber Chain Test (Hirota, Ichikawa, Kanaya) ADTX-FEE Cable Test Bench –Setup (Yoshi) –Test (Hirota, Ichikawa) ADTX QA –Setup (Yoshi) –QA (Sean) St.1 Chassis Mount (Jimmy) St.1 Plumming (John T.)
23 Aug 4th Week MRG Setup (Yoshi) St.1 ADTX-FEE Cable and ADTX install (Yoshi, Itaru) ADTX test (Samejima, Hirota, Ichikawa) ADTX QA –QA (Sean) St.1 Chassis Mount (Jimmy) St.1 Plumming (John T.)
24 Remaining Issue North Arm Station-3, Octant-1 High Noise Station-3, Octant-5 Miscabling
25 Required Trainings Web Course: –Guest Site Orientation (TQ-GSO)Guest Site Orientation –Cyber Security (GE-CYBERSEC)Cyber Security –Phenix Awareness (RC-PAT)Phenix Awareness –Electrical Safety I (TQ-ELECSAF1)Electrical Safety I –Scaffold User Safety (GE-SCAFFOLD)Scaffold User Safety Class Attendance Required: –Collider User Training 7/6(Mon),7/20(Mon),8/3(Mon),8/17(Mon),8/31(Mon),9/14(Mon) –Confined Space (HP-OSH-016) 7/7(Tus),7/29(Wed),8/6(Thur),8/28(Fri),9/3(Thurs)
26 St-2,St-3 Scaffolds ( 足場) 2 person / floor Scaffold & Confined space training required
27 Safety Two Men’s Rule (常に2 人で作業) No Aggressive Motion in IR (果敢な行動は不必要) Work on Scaffold (足場上 での作業は日中のみ) –Mon- Fri –8: :30 Ooh You are gonna be in trouble! Yousef Makdisi