The Carpathian Mountains
Introduction The Carpathian Mountains are considered to be the Green Pearl of Ukraine. It is one of the most popular resorts and tourist centers of the country. A beautiful mix of natural areas, forests, meadows, shepherds and humans living in harmony with nature is what makes the mountains so attractive to tourists!
Geography The Carpathian Mountains or Carpathians are a range of mountains forming an arc roughly 1,500 km (932 mi) long across Central and Eastern Europe, making them the second-longest mountain range in Europe (after the Scandinavian Mountains) . The Carpathians consist of a chain of mountain ranges that stretch in an arc from the Czech Republic (3%) in the northwest through Slovakia (17%), Poland (10%), Hungary (4%) and Ukraine (11%) to Romania (53%) in the east and on to the Iron Gates on the River Danube between Romania and Serbia (2%) in the south.
Parts of the Carpathians The Carpathians are usually divided into three major parts: the Western Carpathians (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia), the Eastern Carpathians (southeastern Poland, eastern Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania), and the Southern Carpathians (Romania, Serbia). Ukrainians sometimes denote as "Eastern Carpathians" only the Ukrainian Carpathians (or Wooded Carpathians), meaning the part situated largely on their territory , while Romanians sometimes denote as "Eastern Carpathians" only the part which lies on their territory.
Hoverla Hoverla is the highest mountain in Ukraine (2,061 m). It’s a part of the Chornohora mountain group in the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. The springs from which the Prut River originates are found here. It is located at the boundary between theCarpathian Biosphere Reserve and Carpathian National Nature Park.
Rivers The Carpathians are rich in rivers. The Dnister River with its numerous tributaries (the Stryi River, Svicha River, Limnytsia River,Bystrytsia River, etc), the tributaries of the Danube River, including the Tysa River with its tributaries (the Tereblia River,Rika River, Borzhava River, Bodrog River and its tributaries [the Liatorytsia River, Uzh River, Laborets River], etc), the Prut River (with the Cheremosh River), and the Seret (Siret) River, as well as such tributaries of the Vistula River as the Sian River (with the Wisłok River) and the Wisłoka River, and others all originate in the mountains. The rivers are fed mostly by snow and rain. Flash floods are common in the spring and summer.
Lake Synevyr Lake Synevyr is the largest lake in the Carpathian Mountains . It is located in Mizhhiria Region , not far from the village of Synevyr Poliana. It is a part of the National natural preserve "Synevyr", which was established in 1989. Scientists estimate that the lake was formed about ten thousand years ago. In 2008, the lake was recognized as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine.
Flora the Carpathians are covered with forest and topped with meadows and rock fields. Even today about one-half of the region is forested. All the mountain vegetation belts are represented in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The lowest belt, up to an altitude of 500–600 m, consists mixed forests, which contain mostly oak and some hornbeam, maple, linden, elm, birch, and pine.
Fauna Most of the fauna consists of species typical of the Central European forests, and they can be found in the higher and the lower regions of the Carpathians; these include the brown bear and wildcat (both rare now), red deer, roe deer, wolf, fox, forest marten, ermine, Carpathian squirrel, dormouse, mole and bat. Among the common birds are the berkut eagle, hawk, owl, woodcock, black stork, rock pupit, and white-throated blackbird. Many of the birds visit the Carpathians only in summer.
Tourism in the Carpathians An original nature of the territory, beauty of its Alpine meadows and woods, rough rivers and mountain lakes, soft climate, curative mineral sources, the historical and architectural monuments can attract everyone to themselves. Thousands of tourists and people who like travels and adventures come here.
The Carpathian mountains dominate the region with their forests, rivers, lakes, alpine meadows, towns and villages. The region is rich in culture, activity and history. It is ideal for summer holidays walking, riding, mountain climbing, exploring. The Carpathians have lots of opportunities for river rafting, skiing, horseback riding, mountain and road biking, and other forms of active leisure.
Welcome to the Carpathians Carpathian Mountains are very beautiful in every season of the year. In winter tourists come here for skiing and snowboarding. In summer people come for tourism and hiking. The nature of Carpathians is extremely picturesque. The traveler sees here wonderful picturesque views. Beautiful green mountains are covered with carpets of colorful flowers. In winter mountains are covered with the snow which glitters at the sunshine. In spring tourists can visit the narcissus valley.
Ukrainian Carpathians are also well known as the great recreational area. The air in mountains is very clear and the climate conditions are good for lungs and heart. A lot of thermal and mineral wells are also situated here.
The largest resorts The largest resorts are located in Slavsko, Bukovel, Tysovets,Dragobrat and Yaremche. These resorts have well developed infrastructure: comfortable hotels, private apartments, numerous restaurants and cafes. You can easily book a room in a hotel or rent private apartments which are much cheaper.
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