5.1 About business Retailing Unit 5 Making deals 5.1 About business Retailing
4. Discussion pg. 62 Explain the significance of the following: e-commerce doesn’t let go (line 4) = Online businesses keep and use data about their customers to make regular offers by email, text message or phone to try to make further sales app-mania came flying to bricks-and–mortar’s rescue (line 11) = new services using smartphone technologies have made it possible for offline stores to benefit from collecting and taking advantage of the same customer data as e-commerce all-important foot traffic (line 19) = for bricks-and-mortar stores, persuading customers to come through the door is essential as a high % of visits result in more sales
4. Discussion pg. 62 Explain the significance of the following: if that seems somehow less than essential (line 27) = many consumer might not be particularly interested in letting their friends know they are in a particular store, so they will need to be offered stronger incentives such as discount coupons and prizes to use these social media. powerfully addictive experiences (line 58) = social media use, competitive games and shopping have all proven they have potential to become an addiction. Retailers hope that users will acquire the habit of making repeated visits to outlets, and hoping regular purchases to hook users into a self-perpetuating race to .. their individual identity (line 60) = social media use is seen as an unending circle of making new friends, which creates a need to be special or influential, which in turn creates a need to link to more new friends. Retailers push users to start using apps which become an essential part of their lifestyles.
5. Listening pg. 62 A survey on social media and shopping 1. Checking in to shopping venues & informing friend where you are Oh, yes, that sounds cool! = 5 (very interested) 2. Winning gift certificates or prizes after some check-ins Ooh, wow! I love free stuff. = 5 3. Receiving information on special deals from stores Yes, I suppose so. But not too many, I can never resist a special offer! I end up spending more than I can afford. = 3 4. Scanning a UPC/barcode Scanning a what? On my iPhone? Why would I do that? Anyway, I wouldn’t know how? I’m not into technical stuff. = 0 (not interested) 5. Becoming the mayor of your favorite coffee shop/queen of lipstick Nah, not really my thing. But wait a minute, what about the queen of shoes? Oh, yes, I can see it now! = 4
5.2 Vocabulary Negotiating and Retailing Unit 5 Making deals 5.2 Vocabulary Negotiating and Retailing
3. Listening pg. 64 What is happening in each case of negotiation? 1. So that’s 500 at 12 euros a box. You need them by…? = taking an order 2. ….. is still a bit expensive. = bring down the price 3. Could you give us an extra 2% if we pay by cash? = asking for a bigger discount 4. I’m sorry, I can’t go any lower than that. = rejecting a proposal 5. We can talk about it. Nothing’s decided yet. = … is open/subject to negotiation
3. Listening pg. 64 What is happening in each case of negotiation? 6. We usually ask for 20% now and the balance on delivery. = to put down a deposit 7. If you don’t deliver until tomorrow morning, it’ll be too late! = supplier has missed a deadline 8. What do you say we split the difference? = seeking/offering compromise
5.3 Grammar: Conditionals 1. First conditional (use to express likely future events) if + present simple, (then) + will + do e.g. If you bring down the price, we will place an order. 2. Second conditional (use to express unlikely future events) if + past simple, (then) + would + do e.g. If was the CEO, I would call for regular meetings 2 times a week. Grammar and practice on pg. 130
5.3 Grammar: Recommendations Recommend/suggest I recommend doing the grammar practice on pg. 130. Recommend/suggest something to someone I suggest this book to you. 3. Recommend/suggest (not) doing something Doraemon recommend doing exercise everyday. 4. Recommend/suggest (that) someone do something Nobita suggests that Giant help solve the problem. 5. Advise someone (not) to do something I advise Tom not to be late for the meeting. Advise (not) doing something I advise not being late for exams.