Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title September 15, 2015 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) Rebecca Foster, DC Special Education Cooperative October 20, 2015 Transition Tuesday: Instructional Strategies for Transition Education
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) I.Introductions 1:00-1:10 II.Power Point 1:10-1:45 III.Curriculum alignment 1:45-2:45 IV.Share Out 2:45-2:55 V.MOAs 3-4pm Agenda Objectives ✓ Compare and contrast teaching methods and techniques used in inclusive settings. ✓ Discuss strategies that can be used to apply academic content to real-life situations.
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) In education, the term standards-based refers to: systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting based on students demonstrating understanding or mastery of the knowledge and skills These are academically based in the common core, reading and math. Standards Based Education
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) Students with disabilities are a heterogeneous group with one common characteristic: the presence of disabling conditions that significantly hinder their abilities to benefit from general education (IDEA 34 CFR §300.39,2004). Therefore, how these high standards are taught and assessed is of the utmost importance in reaching this diverse group of students. Common Core
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) They demonstrate independence. They build strong content knowledge. They respond to varying demands of audience task, purpose, and discipline. They comprehend as well as critique. They value evidence They use technology and digital media They understand other perspectives and cultures. Common Core continued
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) According to the National Council on Disabilities (2000), what we ask students to learn, how we ask them to learn it, and how they are tested should correspond to the ways in which they will demonstrate proficiency on the job, in lifelong education activities, in their families, and in the community. But what do students need to know after high school? Transition Planning
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) Common Core gives us academic proficiencies for our students, but leave out employability skills (CCTC, SCANS) and technical job specific skills (CCTC, Career Clusters). SCANS has now shaped the 21 st Century Skills, Career Clusters, Next Generation Learners, Are They Ready to Work? October 2012 DC is participating in Common Career Technical Core There is NO set of standards similar to common core. Instead, there are many frameworks. Life and Career Standards
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) Cronin et al (2007) suggested 5 options for teaching life skills. 1.Coursework 1.Credit or noncredit 2.Elective or required 2.Course in topical content area (ex. Math in the Real World). An example of how to develop this type of course is described in Helmke (1994) 3.Single Course Topic (ex. Living on your Own) 4.Augmentation-supplementing existing content courses with additional life-skills information. 5.Infusion-capitalizing on opportunities presented in the content of the lesson. How to Integrate Transition Skills
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) 1.Familiarity with the comprehensive set of knowledge and skills needed in adulthood (i.e., life skills) 2.Identification of places in the existing (course or) curriculum that can be associated with real-life topics 3.Planning life skills infusion activities 4.Actual instruction of life skills during ongoing lessons Usually short activities due to time. 4 Steps to Infuse Transition Skills
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) 1. The Career Ready Practices of the Common Career and Technical Core—12 over arching statements with a more detailed description. 2. Career Readiness Partner Council ( formed in 2012 with goal of bringing clarify and focus to what it means to be career ready. These standards address academic and technical knowledge and skills as well as employability knowledge, skills and dispositions. 3. Partnership for 21 st Century Skills include areas of: Global Awareness, Financial, Economic, Business and Literacy in Entrepreneurial, Civic, Health, and Environmental. Life and Career Standards
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) 4. Life Centered Education- 3 critical domains of adult living: daily living skills, self-determination and interpersonal skills, and employment skills. Further divided into 20 competencies and 94 sub-competencies. 5. Kohler, P.D., in Taxonomy for Transition Programing has a section on Student development. There are 6 topics for instruction: Life Skills, Employment Skills, Career & Vocational Curricula, Support Services, Assessment, and Structured Work Experience Life and Career Standards
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) 6. NCWD-Youth developed standards for the Secondary Programs. While these are based for what the school does instead of what the student learns it aligns topics. Schooling, Career Preparatory Experiences, Youth Development and Youth Leadership, Family Involvement, Connecting Activities. The areas it mentions for students are: Communication, Enthusiasm and Attitude, Teamwork, Networking, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking, Professionalism. 7. SCANS for America competencies (Critical Thinking, Personal Qualities, Resource Management, Interpersonal Skills, Information Management, Systems, Technology) broken up into 19 skills. Life and Career Standards
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) 8. WIOA and PETS there are 5 required areas: job exploration counseling, work-based learning experiences, counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or postsecondary educational programs at institutions of higher education, workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living, and instruction in self-advocacy. 9. College and Career Ready Standards and secondary transition planning for students with Disabilities: 101. Life and Career Standards
Master Slide Subhead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Master Slide Title June 13, 2014 Slide Subhead (Open Sans Bold 24) The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. The body text goes here. Level 1 (Open Sans Regular 18) Level 2 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 3 (Open Sans Regular 14) Level 4 (Open Sans Regular 14) Slide Title (Open Sans Bold 36) 1.The Career Ready Practices of the Common Career and Technical Core—12 over arching statements with a more detailed description. 2.WIOA and PETS 3.Partnership for 21 st Century Skills include areas of: Global Awareness, Financial, Economic, Business and Literacy in Entrepreneurial, Civic, Health, and Environmental. 4.Life Centered Education 5.Taxonomy for Transition Programing 6.NCWD Communication, Enthusiasm and Attitude, Teamwork, Networking, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking, Professionalism 7.SCANS 7 competencies (Critical Thinking, Personal Qualities, Resource Management, Interpersonal Skills, Information Management, Systems, Technology) My Thoughts…