CTE Committee Changes to HS Articulation policies and procedures Articulation vs. Dual Enrollment Improving grants management systems with Vice Chancellor.


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Presentation transcript:

CTE Committee Changes to HS Articulation policies and procedures Articulation vs. Dual Enrollment Improving grants management systems with Vice Chancellor Little Building employer engagement systems at each campus

Major Programmatic Efforts November 13, 2015

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT High School Adult School/CBO High School Equivalency One Stop Career Center Probation

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT High School Adult School/CBO High School Equivalency One Stop Career Center Probation Transfer Career

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT High School Adult School/CBO High School Equivalency One Stop Career Center Probation Transfer Career Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections Improved Placement Pilot – use of GPA’s for placement in English and math

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections Early College Credit - dual enrollment -HS articulation

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections Early Outreach at the High Schools

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections Early Outreach at the High Schools Warm “hand off” from Adult Schools and CBO’s Probation/SSA/One Stops Aligning Assessments & Placements

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections Program Review Informed by employers and labor market information!

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections Program Review Aligned with High Schools: Course sequences Work-based learning sequences

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections Program Review Aligned with Adult Schools: Course sequences Work-based learning sequences

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections NEW Program Development! Noncredit (Career Development College Preparation Sequences) Bridge programs Embedded ESL and foundation skills Short-term CTE

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections Employment Services Managers at each campus Plugged in to regional employer engagement networks Use of on-line “matching” tools

Pathways Transitions in Transitions out Seamless Transitions Career Pathways Trust (CPT) AB 86 Adult Ed. Consortium $ CTE Transitions CA Community College Linked Learning Initiative (CCCLLI) BAWFC (Bridge to Allied Health) Career Advancement Academy (CAA) Foster Youth CPT 2 Strengthening Pathways CPT AB 86 Adult Ed. CTE Perkins CTE Enhancement TAACCCT CAA Work Connections CPT AB 86 Adult Ed. FCCC-WBL CTE Transitions Bridge to the Baccalaureate (with UCB in the BioSciences)

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections CENTERS for YOUR EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS Equity Coordinator Counselor Administrative Support Adult School/CBO Liaison – FUNDED WITH NEW Adult Education Block Grant funds (on-going) Foster Youth Coordinator – FUNDED WITH NEW Foster Youth Grant Funds (3 years)

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections CAREER CENTERS Employment Services Managers Supported by regional partnerships with DSN’s Oakland Chamber Workforce Boards One Stop Career Centers CBO’s

Peralta College Programs Transitions INTransitions OUT Seamless Transitions Strengthening Pathways Work Connections PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT Lead Faculty Release time for FT Stipend for Adjuncts Support from: Peter Simon & Sonja Franeta, CLP