Senior Design Team Jeremy McCarroll Adrian Gorman Ian Burns University of Portland School of Engineering Big Timber BlueMAC Traffic monitoring device Advisor Dr. Lu, Dr. Vegdahl Industry Representative TBD
Senior Design Use Bluetooth to gather real-time traffic data which is analyzed via network Helpful for traffic engineers and technicians University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction
Senior Design University of Portland School of Engineering
Senior Design All parts have been ordered and acquired Initial design has been laid out on paper Parts are not assembled University of Portland School of Engineering Scorecard
Senior Design Assemble all parts for a proof of concept Necessary coding to start data collection Initial data collection testing University of Portland School of Engineering Plans
Senior Design Milestones StatusDescriptionOriginal Target Previous Target Present Target CompletedFirst draft of functional specs (.90) 23 Sep 11 CompletedSecond draft of functional specs (1.0) 30 Sep 11 CompletedOrder parts for design14 Oct 11 Completed Rough (rough) Draft 1 of Prototype Design (paper) 26 Oct 11 Delayed Parts assembled for proof of concept 28 Oct 11 2 Dec 11 Rough Draft 2 of Prototype Design (paper) 4 Nov 11 Submit Draft to Advisor of Design Paper 10 Nov 11 Ethernet Shield functioning11 Nov 11 GPS module functioning18 Nov 11 Bluetooth module functioning2 Dec 11 University of Portland School of Engineering
Senior Design School vs. client involvement Firmware Compatibility University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues
Senior Design Develop a prototype to decrease install and maintenance time of current product Product may be made available on the market University of Portland School of Engineering Conclusions