Uma Ahluwalia October 15, 2012
Most populous county in Maryland Immigration was the largest component of population change since Source: U.S. Census Bureau Population Growth (K)
3 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
4 The Foreign Born Population has more than doubled since , ,498 Source: U.S. Census Bureau 1990, American Community Survey 2000, 2005, 2008, 2010 Foreign Born Population Growth
Adult + infant + Monthly Costs Adultinfantpreschoolerschoolageteenagerschoolageteenager2 Adults Housing $1,479$1,677 $1,479 Child Care $0$1,049$1,174$608$0$1,656$1,049$0 Food $256$382$389$457$486$576$604$506 Transportation $181 $362 Health Care $155$393 $405$424$417$436$443 Miscellaneous $207$368$381$333$277$451$395$279 Taxes $727$1,245$1,322$1,070$844$1,557$1,240$793 Earned Income Tax Credit (-) $0 Child Care Tax Credit (-) $0-$50 $0-$100-$50$0 Child Tax Credit (-) $0-$83 -$167 $0 Self-Sufficiency Wage (per adult) Hourly $17.07$29.33$30.59$26.12$21.62$35.50$30.48$10.97 Monthly $3,005$5,161$5,384$4,597$3,806$6,249$5,365$3,862 Annual $36,060$61,936$64,606$55,161$45,666$74,983$64,378$46,340 5
6 Public Assistance Needs Caseloads continue to increase since FY07 and, as of August 31, 2012, are at the following levels: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA): 980 (41% increase) Food Supplement Program (FS): 28,514 (152% increase); and Medicaid (MA): 48,718 (66% increase). The Food Supplement Program caseload has more than doubled since FY07. Total applications for these programs increased dramatically from FY07 through FY12: TCA by 72%; FS by 117%; and MA by 58%. Applications for the first 2 months of FY13 continue to remain high. We are projecting an additional increase of 2% from our FY12 level in combined application volume.
7 Caseloads Increase FY07 - FY12 Cumulative increase from FY07 to Fy12 is 65% Cumulative increase from FY07 to FY12 of 145%
8 Heat and Housing Needs Home Energy Assistance requests decreased 6.5% to 11,555 in FY12 over FY11 but remain 28% higher than in FY08 when the economic downturn began. Due to reduced benefit levels, less financial assistance was available to help eligible households to afford utility costs. All 95 family shelter beds and all year-round, single adult shelter beds continue to be at capacity. Requests for Emergency Assistance Grants decreased 10% in FY12 over FY11 but demand remains high. A total of 6,428 households sought assistance in FY12. Changes to State eligibility guidelines late in FY12 has reduced the assistance available to families.
Patient load in Montgomery Cares for FY12 was 26,814 patients, a 27% increase over FY09. However, expansion in the number of patients served has grown very modestly since FY10, due to budget restrictions. As a result of expanded FY 13 funding, Montgomery Cares capacity is expected to grow by 15% in FY13. The number of patient visits provided each year has expanded by 36% since FY09, to 77,162 visits in FY12. As with patient numbers, the number of visits has grown modestly over the past several years. FY13 promises a comparable increase in the number of patient visits. 9
10 Complexity of Need Child welfare investigations increased 14% from 2,581 in FY11 to 2,945 in FY12. During the same period there were 1,327 cases of physical and sexual abuse and 172 cases of removals to foster care. In FY12 the Montgomery County Hotline conducted more than 1,400 suicide assessments, up almost 200 from FY11. January – March of 2012 were extremely busy months with more than 100 calls.
FY13 DHHS Budget by Service Area
FY 13 Budget Overview Budget increased to $252,303,160 ($10.2 million more than FY12 funding levels)
The Last Few Years From FY09 to FY13, the Approved General Fund Budget has been reduced by $19.5 million and Work Years (WYs) The overall Departmental budget over the same time span (including grant funds) has been reduced by over $21.2 million and WYs FY12 was the first year since FY08 that we did not have to implement a savings plan 13
14 FY12 County Council Approved Health and Human Services Budget Overview FY13 County General Fund Approved Expenditures = $181,733,140 (5.8% increase from the FY12 Approved budget of $171,748,980) FY13 Approved Budget from all revenue sources = $252,303,160 and a total of 1,558.6 work years (4.2% increase from FY12 level of $242,074,280)
Possible Federal sequestration will require Federal agencies to cut their budget by 10%. MD State Department of Budget and Management estimates that these cuts would reduce federal grants to State and Local Governments by approximately $150 million. Based on current funding levels, there could be a reduction of $-3.8 million in local funding for Health and Human services.
DHHS has over 500 contracts with 300 service provider. 16 Provider Type FY11FY12FY13 Non-Profit$65.4m$63.5m$62.2m For Profit$23.4m$26.0m$22.6m Government$2.0m $1.2m Funding by Provider Type (FY11-FY13)
July 11,