COP4610/CGS5765 Operating Systems Syllabus
Instructor Xin Yuan Office: 168 LOV Office hours: W M F 9:10am – 10:00am, or by appointments Class website:
Teaching Assistant Samidh Chatterjee Office: 267 Love Building Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 2:00pm-2:45pm
Course Objectives Define and explain key operating system concepts Operating system, process, process management, scheduling, synchronization, file systems, etc Apply key operating system techniques Many techniques in OS are also very useful in applications. Develop system-level programs Using OS API (system calls) OS implementation (Kernel module, system call, synchronization primitives, etc)
Prerequisites COP 4530 Data structures CDA 3101 Computer organization
Required Skills COP4530 Proficiency in UNIX programming and debugging environment Proficiency in C
Course Material Lecture notes (posted at the class website) Textbooks: Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 8 th Edition
Class Grading Exams (55%) Programming projects (30%) Quizzes and homework assignments (15%)
Exams Exam 1 (15%) Exam 2 (15%) Comprehensive final exam (25%) There will be questions closely related to the programming assignments in the exams.
Programming Projects Three or four projects, equally weighted In teams of two people Late project will be accepted for up to 2 days with 20% penalty per day. All programs handed in will be checked by automatic plagiarism detection programs. WRITE PERFECT PROGRAMS First unknown bug of any kind: -15 points – points for the feature First known bug/unimplemented feature: -10 points – points for the feature.
If both exam grades and project grades are more than the thresholds (70% for both), the letter grade will be assigned as follows 100 – 92 A 91.9 – 90 A- 89.9 – 88 B+ 87.9 – 82 B 81.9 – 80B- 79.9 – 78C+ 77.9 – 72C 71.9 – 70C- 69.9 – 68D+ 67.9 – 62D 61.9 – 60D- 59.9 – 0F
If your score < the threshold on one component The threshold is 70% of the total possible score (38 for the exams and 21 for the projects) Say… 55% on exams 150% on projects and assignments The highest grade is C-
Be aware: COP4610 is NOT a normal 3-credit hour course. Recitation is an integrated part of the course. Most theoretical components covered in lectures Most practical components covered in recitations. Course load would roughly equal to a 4- to 5- hour course. OS involves many concepts. There is inter- dependence among some concepts. To really understand OS (or the concepts in OS), you will need to read the book/lecture notes repeatedly.
Computer Accounts Computer science account Various tools SSH, , text editor, g++, make ACNS account Receiving class s Please communicate with the instructor and the TA using a fsu account (cs or garnet). s from outside fsu accounts (yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc) will be ignored.
Your Responsibilities Understand lecture and reading materials Attend office hours for extra help, as needed Uphold academic honesty Turn in your assignments on time Check class Web page and your account and regularly
Dos and Don’ts Do share debugging experiences Do share knowledge of tools Do acknowledge help from others Do acknowledge sources of information from books and web pages
Dos and Don’ts Don’t cheat Don’t copy code from others Don’t paraphrase code from others either E.g., changing variable names & indentations Don’t leak your code to any place There is no difference in terms of penalty between copying and being copied. All honor code violation will be reported to and resolved through the Office of the Dean and the Faculties. Zero for the particular assignment/exam AND one letter grade deduction for the level 1 agreement (first violation).
Course Policies Attendance mandatory There are no make-up exams for missed exams unless one (1) has a really good excuse AND (2) notice the instructor before the exam. Honor code: read your student handbook Students with disabilities Report to Student Disability Resource Center Bring me a letter within the first week of class
To see or not to see me & TA Student feedbacks of ANY KIND are always very welcome for a serious teacher. We are not psychics We know the materials, but we may not know the most effective way to pass the knowledge to you. Please let us know if… Class is too hard You don’t have the background Class can be improved in certain ways When in doubt, us…