Welcome Cub Camp Champions!
Where are you from? How did you find Scouting? Why is Cub Scout camping important to you? Name one thing you miss about being a kid.
An Opportunity! What We Offer: Summer Resident Camps Rota Kiwan, D-Bar A Scout Ranch, Gerber, Cole Canoe Base, Camp Greilick, Camp Kiwanis, Camp Munhacke, Northwoods, Camp Rotary, Silver Trails, Camp Tapico, Camp Teetonkah Field Service Council Day Camps Southern Shores, Great Lakes, Water and Woods, President Ford
Why Promote Camping in Michigan? The problem …. Only 9% of Michigan’s Cub Scouts are camping! The average American boy or girl spends as few as 30 minutes each day in unstructured outdoor play and more than seven hours each day in front of an electronic screen.
Why is Camp Important? Outdoor play increases fitness levels and builds active, healthy bodies which is a significant focus of Scouting.
Camp is important because… Exposure to environment- based education significantly increases student performance on tests of their critical thinking skills and improves scores on standardized tests.
Get OUTSIDE! Children’s stress levels fall within minutes of seeing green spaces and has been shown to reduce or eliminate ADHD.
This Year’s Theme…..
2016 Cub Camp Promotional Video
What’s in Your Packet? FAQ on Cub Camping Save the date postcard Video information Sample agenda Cub packing list Cub Camp Champions job description Promotion’s Team overview Top Units to contact
1.Send introducing yourself with a heads-up that you will be calling to schedule a time to come in and talk about camping 2.Follow-up with a phone-call within 24 hours of your original asking for a time after the holidays that you can go in to talk with them and their families about camps 3.Track how many times you call and report back to Megan Yankee if you cannot get through to them. I will mail them the materials.
4. Once you have your appointment – make sure to touch base a few days before to remind them you are coming. Find out if they have the ability to play the video. 5. Bring all of your materials (can request more from Megan), bring your enthusiasm for camping, have fun!
1.Stay in communication with Megan 2.Once presentation is complete, let Megan know the date it was completed and any action items. 3.Follow-up with Cub Pack 1 week after presentation asking if there are any questions on how to sign up 4.If the Cub Pack you present to goes to Camp for the first time in the past 3 years, the District will receive $25 in Campership dollars in your honor! 5.Congrats on helping to get more Michigan kids outdoors! 6.I will be sending reports regularly. Who will get the most kids to camp this year????
All resources are available online at michiganscouting.org/CubCamp Ask as many questions as you need to! Check out National’s website -