CDMS Computing Project Don Holmgren Other FNAL project members (all PPD): Project Manager: Dan Bauer Electronics: Mike Crisler Analysis: Erik Ramberg Engineering: Stan Orr, Lou Kula, Rich Schmitt
Introduction CDMS (Cryogenic Dark Matter Search: E891) – An experiment using germanium and silicon detectors operated at low temperatures (90 mK) at the Soudan Underground Facility to search for low energy nuclear recoils characteristic of interactions with candidate SUSY dark matter particles (WIMPs). FNAL CD Personnel: Don Holmgren, 25% Deliverables: Linux device drivers and user space code to control VME and PCI-based instrumentation An event builder integrated with slow control from UCSB Assistance with computing infrastructure (DAQ cluster management, code management, configuration management) Raw and processed data repositories at FNAL Capability to reprocess raw data at FNAL
Experiment Status Official data taking began at Soudan October 11 Running with 1 tower (3 silicon, 3 germanium detectors) 2 weeks downtime just began (1/12/04) Will start running 2 towers 1/26/04 Various DAQ software upgrades testing now Background running until July 2004 Then, two months downtime to install 3 more towers Significant DAQ expansion required Funded through late 2005 Collaboration will apply for follow up project
DAQ Architecture Hardware Architecture: 1 VME crate per two towers of digitizers 1 VME crate for veto Crate PC's connect w/ Event Builder PC via point-to-point GigE Shared FC disk drive, read-only by Data Server to write tapes 1 PC dedicated to monitoring, GPIB, High Voltage control Software Architecture Event Builder Written at FNAL Includes various device drivers C++ Based on R2DM, which implies dependency on: ACE ITC thread_util ZMutility Slow Control, etc... Written at UCSB JAVA Communications CORBA (ORBacus) JAVA RMI TCP/IP (in ITC)
JAVA GUI samples from UCSB Run Control
Data Repository Collaboration has requested data storage at FNAL Data rates: Background, 1 tower, 0.1 Hz: 30 GB/month Background, 2 towers, 0.1 Hz: 60 GB/month Calibration, 1 tower, 15 Hz: 6.5 GB/hour Calibration, 2 towers, 7 Hz: 6.5 GB/hour Sept-early Dec data has been copied over Internet from Stanford to Enstore Total of only 30 GB total so far Likely a few TB total by end of 2005 Use SDLT-320 tapes for raw and interchange data Have started importing remaining data directly from tape Will use test stand on WH11NW as tape import facility
Data Processing Existing analysis framework is based on MATLAB Collaboration operates modest analysis clusters at Stanford and at Soudan (8 machines each) We would benefit greatly from the ability to reprocess data on FNAL Farms (or other cluster) Requirements for Run 18 (just ended): 5E5 background events, 1E6 calibration events Raw data: 80 KB/event RQ's: 9 KB/event RRQ's: 1.5 KB/event MATLAB is not an option (too many $$$) However, can use compiled pipeline code (SLAC license) CPU requirement: about 4.5 seconds/event 2000 CPU hours for all of Run 18 Probably 2 full reprocessings between now and June Testing compiled pipeline codes now using spare cycles on old (non- SciDAC) lattice QCD cluster Paul Mackenzie is willing to host reprocessing activity
Conclusions and Planned Work Have just ended a successful run with 1 tower of detectors, and will start a 6 month run with 2 towers soon DAQ software development is in maintenance mode until July, when additional work will be required to support 3 more towers (2 man-months) We do depend on some FNAL software products R2DM, ITC, thread_util, ZMutility Also one commercial package: ORBacus Have not encountered a bug in these to date Will freeze DAQ systems at RH 7.3 Do not anticipate requesting support Data import into Enstore has started Over the next months will establish the ability to do data reprocessing at FNAL