Texas Nodal © Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Commercial Systems Market Data Transparency Business Requirements Commercial Operations Data Integrity & Administration October 25, 2006
Texas Nodal © Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Overview Why did Commercial Systems create a separate Market Data Transparency document? –To maintain a consolidated list of bill determinants, reports and extracts that are required to be provided to the market Objectives: –To clearly define data elements from the Data Aggregation and Settlements processes that will be provided to market participants based on the assignment of Certified, Secure and Public –To clearly communicate data replication needs for the Enterprise Information Services (EIS) environment –To aid in the design process –To ensure that all Commercial Systems data that is to be provided to the market is accounted for Document was created using the Nodal Settlement requirements documents –Bill determinant data listed from Data Aggregation and Settlements, as well as the MIS report/extract list was used to create this document “Market Data Transparency” meant to be a high-level concept describing a mechanism to provide data from a system to an end user Market Data Transparency design not discussed
Texas Nodal © Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 What this document does/does not contain Does –Contain business requirements listing Commercial Systems bill determinants to provide access to for the market THAT WE KNOW ABOUT RIGHT NOW –Contain information pulled from the Settlements, Data Aggregation, and MIS requirements documents –Contain the data availability timing to the market –Include a high level listing of the data extracts, reports and web services to continue to be available to the market Does Not –Contain detailed design information on how the data is transformed (found in design documents) –Contain requirements on where the data should be transformed (found in design documents) –Contain requirements on what type of technology be used (found in design documents) –Contain data groupings (i.e. by Operating Day, by Real time Settlement, etc.) for the data available (found in design documents)
Texas Nodal © Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 What are we trying to accomplish We want to… –improve upon the flexible design of market data transparency by providing what data is necessary to be available and when it must be available by –allow for the ability to audit the data and ensure its validity –ensure that all Commercial Systems data required to be available/posted by Protocols is maintained within one centralized document for ease