LCN by 2014 Five Year Strategic Plan A collaborative rolling plan for the future of the LCN Please find it in your binders
LCN Officer Retreat Created May 23, 2009 Adopted by LCN June 24, 2009 Revisited annually at Convention & Retreat By June 1st of each of the following fiscal years, the Lebanese Collegiate Network will work to complete the listed milestones.
2010 Score Card 1.VP of Information Technology Amendment 2.Two professional events 3.Redefine Membership status 4.$200 for LCN logos on shirts 5.Appoint an “LCN Trust Committee Chair” 6.Organize a president’s workshop 7.Re-launch the student exchange program 8.Add one more company to infosessions Completed – On Track – Not Accomplished
By Young professional track at LCN professional events 4 different states 3.Increase student award to $2, Resume Workshops annually 5.Convention in a new state 6.20 Subscribing ULCs Students at the convention Completed – On Track – Not Accomplished
By Allocate $500 for every subscribing ULC contingent upon an annual report and logos on LCN shirts. 2.Assist at least five LCN members find jobs. 3.Host convention in a new state. 4.Establish “Professional of the Year” award.
By Host convention in a new state. 2.Assist at least ten LCN members find jobs. 3.Reassess and reestablish a new five year plan.
By Host convention in a new state. 2.Establish the first trip to Lebanon, complimented by volunteering/interning at one of our affiliations or non profit organization in Lebanon. 3.Establish “LCN Trust” Fund.
Presidents’ Forum Date: March 26, 2010 Goals: - Review Strategic Plan - Overall input on LCN activities Attendees: LCN Board ULC Presidents & President Elects Executive Board Nominees
Presidents’ Forum Input Positive feedback on Alumni Track - Increase number of student awards Vs. $ value of award Assistance with Study Abroad programs in Lebanon - Define Metrics on success on career assistance Assist schools with securing funding: direct involvement with school - Regional conventions / president retreats Establish website communication link for students traveling back Other Feedback: - Clearly communicate amount of work involved with each position - Proactively include presidents in meetings through scheduled dates - Re-assess basis of student fly-in program and better communicate program