Conclusion Paragraphs Ending with a Bang!
Elements of a Conclusion Paragraph Reiterate your main points in a NEW way-rephrase, rephrase, rephrase!! Call to Action: “I urge you to...” Catchy Last Sentence
That Dreaded First Sentence Do NOT begin the paragraph with “In conclusion...” or “to sum it all up” Ways to begin conclusion paragraph: “These reasons clearly communicate......” “Even though ________ may have seemed beneficial initially, it is evident that ______ would actually be...” “It is clear/evident that the best decision would be....”
Reiterate Your Points Do NOT repeat word for word what you said in the first paragraph Try to categorize or rephrase your points For example, categorize into social, emotional, political, physical, mental, financial, etc. Or rephrase: First paragraph: “It will cost too much” Conclusion paragraph: “The expenses far outweigh the benefits.”
Example Call to Action “I urge you to vote against four-day school weeks if you want to do what is unquestionably in the best interest of students, teachers, and parents alike.”
Catchy Last Sentence End with a quote End with a “pun” or play on words for the topic End with an image of what the person will be able to do if he/she acts/agrees with you End with Hopes for the Future (“I can only hope that....”) End with a reference to your hook
Example Conclusion Paragraph Even though you may have initially believed that the four-day school week would save you money, it will actually have the completely opposite effect on your school system. If you vote for this to pass, you will deter families from moving to your community because of a deterioration of the quality of instruction, the financial burden you will place on families, and the increase in community crime and violence. Therefore, I urge you to vote against the unwise and inconsiderate proposition of a four-day school week. Remember, it is your responsibility to uphold Henry County’s motto, “Ensuring Success for Each Student.”