Presentation Name Date 1 Leadership Challenge: Seize The Opportunities Lenn Vincent, RADM, US Navy (Ret) Vice President, Strategic Development CACI International, Inc.
2 Leadership Competency Model Excellence in Execution Thrives on challenge Exceeds Expectations Creates Unprecedented Future Customer Focus Mirrors Market & Customer Organizes for Effectiveness Builds Flexible Relationships & Teams Powerful People Unstoppable Self-Confidence Conveys Charismatic Presence Builds Superior Talent
3 Characteristics of Good Leaders Inspire Others to Achieve Shared Goals! Honesty Forward-looking Inspiring Competent
4 Envision the Future Importance of having a vision Apply vision to the future Bring the common vision to life CLEARLY COMMUNICATE THE VISION
5 Attracting People to Common Purposes Develop a shared sense of destiny Identify common aspirations Create opportunity for personal satisfaction Practice transformational leadership CREATE MEANING, NOT JUST MONEY
6 Set the Example What shared values are important? Values must be deeply supported Demonstrate personal conviction ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS
7 Search for Opportunities Stimulate intrinsic motivation Agents of change REMOVE BARRIERS AND PROTECTIVE COVERING
8 The “People” Challenge of Change To the fearful it is threatening To the hopeful it is encouraging To the lazy it is irritating To the confident it is inspiring
9 Foster Collaboration Develop cooperative goals Share information and resources Achieve small wins FOCUS ON GAINS, NOT LOSSES
10 Strengthen Others Empower others Get power from those you lead Display sensitivity to others Offer visible support BUILD CONFIDENCE WITH HIGH EXPECTATIONS
11 Recognize Contributions Celebrate successes Tie performance to rewards Use variety of rewards RECOGNITION DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ELABORATE, JUST GENUINE
12 Become a Positive Force Leaders make a difference Believe you can Learn to lead LEADERSHIP CAN BE LEARNED
13 Leaders at Their Best Know your people and your business Inspire a shared vision Enable others to act Model the way Reward the doers Expand people’s capabilities Encourage the heart Know yourself A LEADER EXISTS IN EACH OF US