Mutual submission and love - Eph 5, Phil. 2, Mt. 20 Mutual respect and active reconciliation - Mt. 18 Active forgiveness and grace - Mt. 18 Genuine acceptance of diversity - 1 Corinthians Love is the only motive for conflict - many
How many of the following describe you?
1. Before it even starts you decide not to answer someone's stupid quiz questions but you sit there and pretend you're still paying attention.
2. You once stopped coming to church for a while because you were annoyed with a leader or someone else in the church.
3. You have gone through a season when you didn't give much in the offering because you were displeased with something that was (or wasn’t) happening in the church.
4. When someone starts to talk about forgiveness there is a person (or 2 or…) that you make sure you don't think of because you certainly don't want to forgive that person OR There are a couple people that you make sure that you never make eye contact with during Break.
5. You often don’t clearly communicate your concerns and different opinions because "it wouldn't make any difference anyway."
6. When you pray for others who disagree with you, you pray that they will "come to their senses" or "hear from you, God" and what you mean is that they should start to agree with you.
SCORING: If you said no to all of the above and you know that others consider you aggressive, then you're not passive-aggressive Everybody else is (Welcome to the club!)
- when you're good enough at communicating disagreement that you don't need conflict - when you choose to be gracious and/or forgiving and it works (i.e. when you don't end up resentful or passive-aggressive) - when you change your own mind by remembering to respect the other person's different perspective and remind yourself that you might be the one that is wrong - when you know that you are not ready to have an open mind and listen to the other person's point of view - when you've appropriately "chosen other battles" and this one isn't a priority
- when you end up resentful or passive- aggressive - when you continue to feel like an innocent victim - when you're getting close to leaving a relationship
Mutual submission and love - Eph 5, Phil. 2, Mt. 20 Mutual respect and active reconciliation - Mt. 18 Active forgiveness and grace - Mt. 18 Genuine acceptance of diversity - 1 Corinthians Love is the only motive for conflict - many