Service System Structural Proposals Project Overview
Desired Outcomes for this Workshop We hope to: Help everyone to understand the proposals Receive input and feedback to help shape the future of the work Hear how these ideas might work in your local communities Work together to build a holistic service system
Project Background Commonly experienced, ongoing challenges in NA service: Ineffective communication Insufficient resources Frustrated trusted servants Poor atmosphere of recovery in service meetings
Project Background NAWS restructured in the late 90s, but we haven’t holistically examined local services – until now Current structure designed before the Twelve Concepts were adopted in 1992 Our hope is for a system that more closely embodies the principles of the Twelve Concepts
Project Background Current system designed to meet NA’s needs in the 1970s Today NA is: – Larger - more than 58,000 weekly meetings – Present in 130+ countries – Faced with far different social/governmental attitudes toward addiction and recovery
Project Background Current system works for some, but not for many others The hope is to improve all services throughout our system Project unanimously adopted at WSC 2008; Unanimously reaffirmed at WSC 2010 Additional background info available Vision Statement passed at WSC 2010
Elements of an Effective System
Process-Driven Structure We must also consider our processes: Planning Effectively and efficiently carrying the message Decision making Reflecting the will of a loving Higher Power Communication Sharing information and ideas with each other and those outside NA Leadership / Training Passing on our service experience More on these processes will come in later versions of these proposals
Foundational Principles Purpose-Driven Flexible Geographically Defined Group-Focused Collaborative
Purpose Driven Each service system unit meets a specific need or group of needs, and each unit’s responsibilities are clearly defined and understood.
Group-Focused The group support unit (GSU) in each model focuses on aiding the groups in their efforts to carry our message.
Defined by Geographic Boundaries Following established geographic boundaries for our service bodies where practical would: Allow better interface with professional and legislative bodies, Make it easier for professionals and the general public to find and communicate with us.
Flexible Form should follow function, so each model offers ideas for optional or “intermediate” service bodies, which may be used if needed, but are not “mandated.”
Collaborative Successful service provision depends on all the elements of a service system working together toward a common goal.
Focused Local Units Our current ASCs are tasked with group support and local service delivery. In these proposals, local efforts would be divided: Group Support Unit (GSU): devoted entirely to providing support to local groups Local Service Unit (LSU): devoted entirely to providing local services
The group support unit (GSU) is intended to help groups better carry the message within their meetings by separating out the group support function from the “business” of NA and creating a body whose purpose is helping groups
GSU Options
The LSU is the “workhorse” of the service system, responsible for the bulk of local services. Wherever possible and practical, the LSU will be bound by recognized geography (e.g. town, county.) The LSU is plan-driven
GSU/LSU Options
Group Support and Local Services Benefits & Challenges
Reduce travel for rural GSUs Reduce size of urban LSUs Allow minority language groups to come together
Neighboring LSUs can send delegate(s) Reduces travel time Reduces number of delegates in large state/national body
Consists of a state, province, or country Could consist of neighboring states, provinces, or countries for seating purposes Provides services that cover the whole state, province, or country Border communities may join neighboring states if practical
Intended Services State/national service bodies: Interact with government and professional bodies Organize assemblies and conventions Coordinate centralized resources Provide a communication link
State/National Services and Intermediate Bodies Benefits & Challenges
Existing and Proposed (Updated) Seating Option
Service System Project To stay involved, visit the project page: