Network of Fish Habitat Partnerships Survey June 24, 2015 National Fish Habitat Board Meeting
1.Are you supportive of the evolution of the “National Fish Habitat Partnership” to the “Network of Fish Habitat Partnerships” as a branding label for the 19 Fish Habitat Partnerships? Questions Yes: 6 No: 7
2.In your opinion, does the “Network of Fish Habitat Partnerships” moniker more clearly communicate the relationship and association between the 19 individual partnerships than the "National Fish Habitat Partnership" moniker? Yes: 8 No: 5
3.In your opinion, does the “Network of Fish Habitat Partnerships” moniker remove ambiguity between the umbrella organization (which is actually a Board) and what it does relative to individual partnerships? Yes: 6 No: 7
4.Does the term “Network” do a sufficient job of indicating that the Partnership effort is still national in scope? Yes: 6 No: 7
5.Moving forward, are you comfortable using the logos “Network of Fish Habitat Partnerships” and/or “NFHP Member” on your FHP related website(s) and outreach materials (please see attached presentation for logos)? Yes: 8 No: 5