Pest Detection And CAPS Coanne E. O’Hern National Survey Coordinator USDA-APHIS-PPQ-PDMP Riverdale, MD National IPM Coordination Meeting Washington, DC.


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Presentation transcript:

Pest Detection And CAPS Coanne E. O’Hern National Survey Coordinator USDA-APHIS-PPQ-PDMP Riverdale, MD National IPM Coordination Meeting Washington, DC Sept , 2004

Structure of PPQ

PDMP Organizational chart

CPHST  Scientific support for the Agency programs  Projects (risk-based mapping etc.)  PRA’s  Pest ranking for CAPS/PD list.  GPDD (Global Pest & Disease Database)  Survey aids/new tools for survey (Center for Plant Health, Science and Technology)

Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey CAPS

What is CAPS?  Combined cooperative effort  Federal and State organizations  Survey for plant pests, bio-control organisms and weeds

CAPS Components  Field surveys  Laboratory identification  State & project databases  National database (NAPIS)  Electronic information exchange  Strong interagency relationships

How are surveys prioritized?  National Lists  Regional Lists  State Lists  Survey proposals developed by state  Regional CAPS committees review  Sent to Regional Director with recommendations for approval

Funding Previously… $6 mil for PD program Now… $24 mil approximately for FY2004 Increase possible for FY 2005 Goal: to obtain $100 mil Core funding estab. for States

Where we are now Restructured CAPS system Pest lists/Prioritization Increased Funding New technologies Homeland Security National Invasive Species Council

Where we are going  Increased exotic pest detection surveys across the U.S.  Further Pest list usage and commodity surveys  Continue to build infrastructure for pest detection as new $ become available  Development of offshore pest information system  Use survey tools such as Risk Mapping, GIS/GPS systems, pathway analyzes and pest risk analyses to further the goals of PD  VS/PPQ Collaboration  Partnering with other agencies/groups Emerald Ash Borer

Support and Enhancements CPSHT Industry interested in helping us Volunteer programs CSREES and the NPD; other units? Added Pest Survey Spec positions (26) Added ID positions (5) within the NIS structure Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Tools to do the job

NAPPFAST Probability Maps

ISIS  Integrated Survey Information System  Cooperative agreement with the J.D. Edwards Honors Program- Univ. of NE  Used for data collection on PDA’s This the screen on a computer desktop

CAPS Database  NAPIS = National Agricultural Pest Information System Housed at Purdue University thru a coop. agreement Tracks pest distribution Provides data management Websites Maps pest distribution Public website, restricted website for CAPS cooperators Database requires an ID and password

NAPIS Public Website URL:


NPDN  National Plant Diagnostic Network  Importance of early detection  CSREES Initiative for the Plant Diagnostic Labs (5)  NAPIS/Purdue part in initiative  PPQ’s role as a partner

Volunteers ALB in Chicago NE Private consultant company; using PDA’s in corn and soybeans NE Univ. of NE for spatial info on invasive weeds 4-H; help in mapping nursery and high hazard sites. Cactoblastis cactorum survey in southern states Master Gardeners in NJ

Vision for the Future Continue to make our mission known Fine tune the system Use of offshore information Continue to find new methods for doing work Form alliances/partnerships with others Continue to partner and expand the NPDN Need to have more eyes and ears

Working Together  To increase earlier detection of plant pests  To increase communication  To help prevent bio-terrorist events  To increase infrastructure for identification of pests  To increase collaboration

How we fit together? NPDN Training Outreach materials Emergency Response State CAPS committees Eyes and ears for pest detection Listen to what each has to offer Compare notes on who are our cooperators and collaborators Figure out our connections to IPM Centers

Where to go next?  Huge and complex question!!  Have to realize we have different missions  Share information; share expertise  Know what you do well; market it  Always keep looking for new ways to branch out.

Questions? Comments? Ideas?

Coanne E. O’Hern National Survey Coordinator USDA-APHIS-PPQ